Welcome to Sweden
Welcome to Sweden
| 21 March 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
    Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
    elifornix As an expat living abroad for 27 years I can relate to all the situations reflected in this TV series. I have not been to Sweden but when you live in a foreign country there are many strange situations you have to go through! funny and not so funny! I had a lot of fun watching this. I read a lot of bad comments about this series and I wonder where all the hatred is coming from??. Give me a third season!!!
    jerrnini I started to watch because it was an interesting concept and I never knew Amy Poehler's brother was Greg Kinnear. After the first episode I thought it was definitely different but not necessarily in a bad way. So I kept watching. Well I ended up getting through 3 episodes before realizing the show is pretty bad. The main character being an accountant to a bunch of celebrities that harass him despite probably having someone on their payroll to do such things seemed too forced. Seeing Gene Simmons was the last straw. The Swedish brother is the only funny character. And the episode when they go to the immigration office was the worst.
    bjarias Welcome to Sweden is not an easy program for most in this country to get into, especially if there's an aversion to reading subtitles. But for those accustomed to such distraction, you are rewarded with what is one of the most enjoyable half hour sit-coms created. The entire cast is incredible.. having them together for only twenty episodes is frustrating, but we'll always have those twenty to enjoy. And if the work of any actor had to be singled out, it must be that of Josephine Bornebusch. She is just extraordinary, making every scene she is in just easy, enjoyable fun. Should she would want to come to the US and make herself known, she could easily become a major name. If I could have given the producers any advice, it would have been early on to create more episodes in the states to grab a wider audience.. and when going over to Europe to lessen the use of subtitles. It's regrettable state-side audiences are so adverse to them.. it so limits choices, as the majority of the rest of the world comprehends. I've created another bookmark in my 'watch-again' folder, and when I'm looking for sure-fire entertainment WTC will be one of my first choices...BRAVO to all involved!!
    sherlock-tempest I agree with many reviewers that "Welcome to Sweden" is packed with old fashioned stereotypes and that it is overall painfully badly written and executed, with very few glimpses of intelligent laughter-provoking jokes and acting. It is therefore really a mystery how it has been given a second season. From a Swedish perspective, however, I see a couple of things that I think might have contributed to the "success" of this series despite the at best lukewarm reviews by many critics and audiences. One: Sweden is a tiny country in this big world and Swedes are in awe of the US. When American celebrities (and former ones) show interest in us or even come to our little pond to connect and work, we get all excited and our newspapers and social media go berserk. The series' cameos, no matter being terribly unfunny, therefore attract an automatic audience. Greg P may be a terrible actor and writer, but through his sister Amy he is certainly a strong door opener to a very attractive US market, where not many Swedish TV series have made it before. And yes, nepotism is a big thing in Sweden too so connections beat quality. Two: I think there is an American nostalgia or fascination with Sweden, based on a very limited postcard idea of Sweden, which gives the series a good portion of US viewers. The fact that the series is located in Swedish contexts, with Swedish actors and spoken Swedish, can itself be enough to fulfill a desire of viewers with a connection to Sweden. The quality of the show is in that light not the main thing. I think both Swedish and American audiences deserve much better comedy than this and I can only wish that more talented, intelligent and modern first time writers will get a similar bombastic chance one day in the very small and closed TV world in Sweden.