| 11 October 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- Supernova, 2005, An astrophysicist discovers the sun will explode while a international team fights to find a solution to the end-of-the-world scenario.*Special Stars- Luke Perry, Peter Fonda *Theme- Science makes trouble for humanity.*Trivia/location/goofs- Australian made, TV movie, *Emotion- A rather crazy film with some dramatic situations but NOT saved by the rest of the film's good science fiction pacing. It looked like this film was 'cashing-in' on the era's black-hole news headlines. It's very bad and a waste of the starring actor's talents.
    imdb-8006 I like Supernova, saw it on public TV when it was new, and I've never forgotten it. That's a show with some power to it, and I'd expect it to be a cult favorite someday.It's certainly not lowest common denominator comedy, there aren't any belly laughs or one-liners. It can be goofy as well as intellectual, mostly it's just offside. The central character is nervous, neurotic, and though he and everyone else consider him odd-man-out in the place, actually they're all so strange, he fits right in. For me, the best character was the younger bed partner for the woman heading up the observatory's work. He's indigenous Australian from a very tiny settler's town nearby, and perhaps the most modern-day well adjusted of the bunch. The town's rough pub is the only other setting, and the observatory people can drink as dedicatedly as townspeople who seem to seldom leave the bar.If you're bored by average sitcoms, I'd recommend this. After all, if you don't like it, you've wasted very little time. It's completely non-mainstream, no doubt that's why the series is so short.
    ChrisQ A comedy about Astronomy professors in an observatory? Yup that is exactly what it was! I enjoyed the sheer wackiness of this brilliant little gem. Some of its humour comes from clever in-jokes about matters astronomical - some from the cultural interplay between the English professor and his Australian colleagues and some from the lovable eccentricity of all seven characters.Occasional contrived situations did occur but the excellent cast carried them off with verve.The BBC decided that the show might have limited appeal only and so, giving it little publicity, consigned it to a graveyard slot on a minority channel.What a shame they hadn't the guts to substitute Supernova for one of their multitude of prime-time soaps - they might have got a pleasant surprise.
    gilgamesh332 I laughed until I cried. Maybe I'm warped but I like brain dead comedies, and I thought this was very funny. OK so parts of it were a little predictable, but they carried it off with such style it did not matter. The bit where they had a burial service for the dead pet snake and used a six foot length of bamboo as a coffin had tears rolling down my cheeks. Out of the three main female characters I thought the older lady playing the team leader was gorgeous, like I said maybe I'm warped.My advice is switch off your brain engage your chuckle button and enjoy.