TV-14 | 19 September 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
    Sabah Hensley This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
    Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
    MacKrazy I haven't watched much TV in recent years, programs have degraded my TV so much I felt it was best to face it towards a corner till it thought about what it had done. Soaps, Reality TV, Bad comedies, Reality TV, Annoying Game shows and Reality TV have saturated the schedules but then this comes along. This is the best Drama/Thriller serial I've seen in ages. Whats not to like? Ray Liotta being uber cool, Amy Smart being so sexy I have to wipe the steam from the screen,(Thank god I said Steam), Simon Baker and his underlying violent tendencies. The plots where interesting and exciting, We got a little glimpse into each characters life in each episode while getting down with some grade-A action that even makes most feature films look boring, I'm talking Motor Bike chases, Hummer ram raids, Chainsaw killings, Sniper assassins, High Profile robberies and good old fashioned fist fights.
    lawrynh It is my feeling that "Smith" could evolve into an absorbing crime drama. Its sparse dialog is neither tedious nor a turn-off, and the lack of 'treacly music' during the family scenes is decidedly a plus. In addition to stars Liotta and Madsen, one might single out Simon Baker, whose past credits include the gripping neonoir film L.A. Confidential (1997), and Jonny Lee Miller, who was cast in "Prime Suspect 3" (1993), arguably the best of that series. Although granted that early in "Smith" we still know little about the characters played by these and the other members of the cast, my prediction is that future episodes will, like the layers of an onion being peeled away, reveal their past misdeeds, almost surely to haunt them as things progress. The viewer might anticipate with some relish that a couple of the characters, who love fast living and fast cars, and flaunt both, are indeed cruising for a bruising.Which is not to say there aren't certain aspects that don't ring true. Given that the heist which unfolds in the pilot, whose nature I shall not reveal, is not normally associated with violence, it doesn't seem likely there is not more anger, censure, and repercussion from the naughty persons on-high when things do go awry and assuredly cause law enforcement to be far more attentive and relentless in its pursuit of the crime.Viewers and producers alike need to stay the course until "Smith" gets its stride. The network ought not lose its courage in presenting something different, as happened with other dark and delicious crime dramas, such as "EZ Streets" in the mid-1990s and "Dream Street" in the late 1980s, soon pulled from the fall line-up. There has to be something different out there than silly clichés, canned laughter, and predictable and soon shopworn series.
    swetepete This is one of the best crime dramas on TV, maybe almost as good as early 'Sopranos' or 'Shield.' It has a wicked soundtrack, it's beautifully shot and choreographed, and sports some of the best acting I've seen on a network show. The characters are, basically, incorrigible scum; but, they pull off their heists with such style, I find myself very much hoping they stick around for a couple dozen episodes. No doubt most or all of them will meet nasty ends, but in the meantime, 'Smith' is a good place to indulge in some cathartic mayhem and villainy. The soundtrack is phenomenal--Rancid, Dirty Pretty Things, Imogen Heap, Thom Yorke, and the Ramones have all popped up early on in the series. I expect the music to stay high-end as the first season progresses. 'Smith' is not for an audience who needs to cheer for the forces of law and order. It's all about the bad guys, and not saying sorry.
    la-di-da An episode of Smith looks great in High Definition widescreen, better than many movies. The combination of visually appealing locations and slick cinematography will make you (finally!) believe that a plasma television was well worth the price. This show effectively fills the whole screen with clever shot compositions. The directors deserve credit for making television look so good.Sadly, the character's in Smith have little appeal. They are stereotypical thieves who do nasty things with no remorse. Given you don't care about them, there is no tension. The overarching story about an aging thief who wants a "few more big scores" is by the book; there are few wrinkles.To exacerbate the situation, the dialogue is sparse, dull, and often bookended by extended shots of people arriving and departing in the featured Chrysler cool cars of the week.A great cast and crew is wasted by the source material. Its a shame the writing is so weak in what could have been a show as influential as Miami Vice in changing the look and feel of network television.