The Guild
The Guild
TV-14 | 27 July 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
    Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
    ikrani This show paints itself as a comedy about gamers. It isn't. It is a mean-spirited caricature of the worst types the gaming community has to offer: the addict, the neglectful parent, the shameless douche, the stalker, all of them unfunny and unappealing to me."You're just mad because it's making fun of you." Wrong; I'm mad because the characters aren't characters, they're just unfunny archetypes that exist within the gaming community. They could've been clever or somewhat original with the comedy, but instead they serve up every half-baked joke that you'd expect from a show that makes fun of gamers: the annoying doucheface who makes inappropriate comments and who in real life no one would want to play with; the neglectful parent who LETS THEIR INFANT PUT THEIR MOUTH ON A CIRCUIT STRIP. Am I supposed to laugh at how this person is endangering their infant child? Because the possibility of a horrifying death by electricity is not humorous at all.Now, a caricature of gamers can work. Dead Gentlemen Productions has made no less than THREE movies poking fun of gaming and how in to it gamers can get. Granted, the third was only half-good, but the point stands that their characters have more to them than just gaming. They have weird quirks and styles of playing that are hilarious to everyone except their Dungeon Master,Overall, The Guild is crap, the jokes are not funny, and there's no real conflict to speak of that I would care about, since I would gladly load all of these people (plus the film crew) on to a rocket and send them to Ceti Alpha 5 in a heartbeat.
    Andy T Ignore people like shawnie138. He obviously has clear mental issues as obvious in his review wanting people to die. Moron. You don't have to be a gamer to enjoy this. It's fun. Pure and simple. Fun. I used to be a hardcore online gamer (then had to cut down due to the sheer number of adults acting like kindergarten kids in-game and ruining it for everyone else) so this got my interest. And I enjoyed it. When people start to nerd rage over a programme purely because it's unrealistic-even though it's just a TV show that's made for fun-it's obvious this show ain't for them. Just chill, relax and give it a shot. If you don't like it, it's a shame yeah. But at least you're not like the other idiotic reviewers who went into total butthurt mode over a TV show. Just grow up guys. You're embarrassing yourselves. TV shows are made for escapism. Live a little for gods sake.
    manny-589-426367 Netflix recommended me to watch this show, and being a lifetime gamer and it had 4 stars, I figured I would give it a shot.Holy hell Netflix, way to let me down.This show is TERRIBLE. I'm not just posting this to be argumentative, but every other review is at 8-10 stars and I felt I had to provide a balancing opinion.Seriously, this type of show is insulting. This just highlights how wrong the public's interpretation of "video game addicts" really is. The behaviours in this show are representative of maybe the 12-year old trolls you'd find on Xbox live, and only the lead girl has personality that is actually plausible. I have been playing games all my life and been on MMOs for the past 6 years and never met people so absolutely incompetent at real life as these caricatures. Real gamers have lives inside and outside the game. They don't talk in 1337speak at the diner table, or bring their own cheese to a restaurant and quote savings as a mathematical advantage, or take off and make absolutely detestable creepy moves on girls they know a screen name for based on an emoticon.If you have any respect for yourself or for the game industry or for people in general, don't watch this terrible mockery of a TV show. This does nothing but poke fun of blatant stereotypes in the most unfunny ways possible, that only a high schooler would find funny.
    Haccubus This series is intelligent, creative, hilarious and... very, very short! If there was only one thing I didn't like about it, it's that there isn't more of it to go around. But thus is the paradox of the web-series.This show can appeal to not just a niche, but a full subculture, a vastly ever growing community of people: known affectionately as "The Gamers". "The Guild" takes you into the lives of 6 gamers who all play the same unnamed MMORPG on a 'locals only' server. Thusly all characters happen to live near each other as well as play with each other in "The Game". The series starts out with them first meeting each in real life, and the wacky adventures that proceed.Most of the characters are top-notch. Codex's (Felicia Day) charm is unforgettable. She stars in the series and is as beautiful as she is painfully uncertain with herself. She is and will continue to be a fun and interesting character. Felicia Day is also the writer, producer and creator of The Guild and will clearly be someone to look forward to seeing in other projects in the future! Vork (Jeff Lewis) & Zaboo (Sandeep Parikh) have a comedic-chemistry that is unmatched even in many higher budget productions. If you don't mind conversations heavily laden with web/game lingo, then you will likely find these two to be a goldmine of LOL's.