The Dukes of Hazzard
The Dukes of Hazzard
TV-PG | 26 January 1979 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    OllieSuave-007 Somehow as a kid, I've managed to catch this crazy show when it aired on syndication. I don't remember much from it, but do remember being entertained by all the craziness and wild adventures of the General Lee, driven by Cousins Bo and Luke Duke.I've always like cop car chases on TV, so, General Lee being chased around Hazzard County by Boss Hogg and Sheriff Coltrane) is quite entertaining.This show kinds of remind me of famous car chases movies around the same era like Smokey and the Bandit and The Cannonball Run. They're all classic movies of a bygone era where TV can be sexy, appealing, wild but G-rated all at the same time.I remember this show would drive my mom off the wall, but she did buy me some action figures and a General Lee Hotwheel from the show to play it as a kid. Fond memories! Grade B+
    Aaron1375 When one is a kid with a sister, one sometimes is forced to watch shows they would rather not watch. This is the one for me. I hated this show as a kid as it bored me to no end. I did not like the Duke boys, Boss Hog, or any of that crap. Though Daisy Dukes was a cutie in those shorts, so that is about the only thing to watch in this show about two guys evading the law whenever they can. The town is run by a corrupt leader and the Duke boys do what they can to undermine him at every turn. This show did last longer than most hour long shows of the time. Usually, a show of this type would not last very long usually axed after the second or third season and just falling short of 100 episodes. This one made it to 145 so despite my dislike of the show it most have had its followers. I just was not one of them, this show just was not to my tastes, the chases proved to be boring compared to ones from a James Bond flick, the car not cool at all when compared to Smokey's car from "Smokey and the Bandit" or "Knight Rider" and the humor not my kind of humor. Of course, to this day I have an extreme dislike for super southern type things, growing up here in the south one can only take the southern slang so much, I had no urge to see redneck talking folks on television too. The show also had more cast changes during its run than the normal show. They replaced the Duke boys and I think even Daisy at one point. I just do not see replacing what made the show famous and still surviving, though I think the original Duke boys did come back. However, you really do have to admire those shorts.
    elshikh4 It's simple.. and that's the beauty of it. But it got a lot to embody this simplicity and make it beautiful.10 - The one of a kind "Dixie" horn, the too many wirelesses, and the Mona Lisa in the county's bar. Wow, small touches can be effective and classic.9 – "Just two good ole boys, never meaning no harm. Beats all you never saw, been in trouble with the law. Since the day they was born." great theme song. Well.. Although as a whole it meant no harm. But it says something about challenging the law, beating the system "like two modern day Robin Hoods".. That's fun "Yee-haw".8 - (Deputy Enos Strate) and (Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane) what a historical dumb they were, however one was good, and the other, well.. was less ! (Sonny Shroyer) and (James Best) I'm just asking.. who are they ?? 7 - Two outlaws named (Luke Duke) & (Bo Duke), if you know where they are don't inform anybody, and try to get a ride with them in their incredible car ! I don't know guys named (Tom Wopat) and (John Schneider) if you ask me, I mean maybe I heard the names before..6 - (Uncle Jesse Duke) the top of judiciousness, and (Jefferson Davis "Boss" Hogg) the top of foolishness. One good adventurous uncle, and one of the kindest, goofiest, most cartoonish evil men in the history of TV. By the way do you know folks named (Denver Pyle), (Sorrell Booke) ?? I heard they're genius ? for what exactly ? 5 - The voice, the tune, the lines, and the whole character of the ever unseen narrator. That was original. Consolidated the personality of the show as modern folk stories by pristine balladeer, and became some marked way to cut nicely to the commercials; what a coup de maitre that was.4 - The Hazzard County : (read : The Hazard County) this is the dreamland where the weather is always fine, the people are all childish, the baddies must go to jail, the cars can fly cleverly in unprecedented ways, and no body ever dies ! 3 - The General Lee. Hands down, the best jumping car ever, sorry Knight Rider but that's the way it's, and if anyone ever complained just remember : the stunt crew here at one of the jumps hit the international record and made a new one of its own.. And that was even done unintentionally ! The only thing that I didn't understand is why its doors were always closed ? 2 - The highly delicious : Daisy Duke ! Ahh.. Daisy indeed ! What a sight, what a smile, what a litheness, what a sweetness. She's merry heaven at every visit I make to the Hazzard County. I bet the people of 1979 were amazed like they never were (the next stop : Baywatch 1989!). She was exactly like the show itself "All-right Sugar". And I just quoted her from one situation. P.S : Did you hear about a girl by the name of (Catherine Bach) ? They're telling me she's super ! 1 - The way all of that harmonizes. It works like a shinny morning, a savory ice cream, or unbroken game of hide and seek. I've never seen such a perfectly saccharine juvenile world like that before or after. It's the most childish TV classic you can ever remember. It speaks fluently to the child in you, and in the presence of Daisy Duke as well as some of the 1980s' fine chicks then it speaks fluently to the adolescent in you also ! Actually the fact that its cast nearly didn't do much away from it, gives you funny feeling as if it was completely an actual fairytale where no actors involve, like a comic-book came to real life ! Yes, sometimes the jumps give you the boredom, sometimes you get sick of the too much sugar, sometimes Daisy is wearing a full pair of jeans ! But this is normal, maybe you've watched more than enough, maybe you don't like sugar (or that sugar), or maybe my dear.. You're becoming a grown-up !!Finally.. A bothering question but a must-ask : name one show in our jinxed nowadays that can compete with (The Dukes of Hazzard)'s amount of funny lines, light atmosphere, unstoppable action, jumping cars, and Daisy Duke's shorts ?! Hmmm.. Yeah, that's a question I can answer.. It's : (The Dukes of Hazzard)'s reruns ! "The Dukes of Hazzard" is- I reckon- one of TV's classics from the 1980's. This is a show with great stunts and stunt people pre-CGI special effects and some well-drawn out characters.The problem with this show, is not that it is poorly written. Some of the plots are actually very good, and "The Dukes" is a better show than some of the other idiot sitcoms of TV's post Golden era, namely "Batman", "Gilligan's Island", and of course "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" of today.Adventure shows like "Charlie's Angels", "Wonder Woman", and "Smallville" of today have camp elements. But The Dukes of Hazzard is not just from time to time intentionally goofy, it is almost always intentionally stupid. The stupidity of the show smothers some tender moments between Uncle Jesse Duke (Denver Pyle), and his family, niece Daisy (Catherine Bach), and nephews Bo and Luke played by John Schneider and Tom Wopat.Occasionally there is some serious drama like when Uncle Jesse is almost in tears when he's about to lose his farm to the thoroughly underhanded Boss Hogg, or lose his boys to a bounty hunter who wants to put them away for life, or Bo and Luke trying to protect a beautiful young witness from the clenches of a rogue U.S. senator. But if these tender moments give the show any credibility as a real drama, it is abruptly smothered by lots of slapstick, stupidity, redneck humor, the dimwitted Sheriff Roscoe P. Cotraine (James Best) and the antics of the totally corrupt, bloated Boss Hogg.Long time character actor Sorrell Booke, unknown to most, but carrying credits from "All in the Family" among others plays the conniving, scheming, bloated, and thoroughly corrupt lawman of Hazzard County in the "Dukes of Hazzard". "The Dukes" was this actor's claim to fame, and Booke WAS "The Dukes of Hazzard." After Booke's untimely death in 1994, the cast members got together for three reunion specials on CBS. It was clear the Booke's presence was sorely missed. These reunion shows were lamer than the General Lee at The Battle of Gettysburg and Custer's hope of defeating the Union army. Booke's absence proved that he was the center and most irreplaceable piece to this classic 1980's comedy/adventure.Some people down South like the "Dukes" for its fast cars chasing and colliding for half of every episode, or the hot chicks like Daisy Duke, or are intrigued by the luscious women that sometimes draw Bo and Luke into a trap. But none of that matters if you don't have an enormous presence like Booke's Boss Hogg in the middle to stir up trouble in ol' Hazzard County.Bogg Hogg is not a demon, but he is a devil. he is cunning, conniving, shrewd, and very avaricious. He has this wrongful vendetta against Jesse Duke and is always scheming with yankees and no-gooders to rob Jesse of his farm and land. Yet Boss Hogg is not seen as a mean character, but as a buffoon. He has a monopoly over Hazzard County, and still has this obsession with foreclosing on the Duke farm, and getting Jesse Duke's two nephews "thrown permanently in the clink".Sheriff Roscoe's "little fat buddy" also eats, and he eats, and he eats, and he eats, and he takes a cigar break, then he eats. He must consume about 20,000 calories per day. He takes pizza breaks, pigs knuckles breaks, eats ham hocks, and a family size portion of fried chicken in one sitting. A snack for him is a dozen kielbasa sausages with sauerkraut, or a sixteen scoop ice cream sundae with whipped cream, caramel, chocolate, strawberry, and butterscotch topping.And the dimwitted Sheriff Roscoe P. Cotraine, Doesn't Boss Hogg ever let this man eat? Maybe Roscoe can't properly carry out his duties as Sheriff because he's famished. For example Boss Hogg says "Roscoe. Don't ever disturb me when I'm trying to use these here chopsticks, to enjoy me this here Chinese lunch ( a complete course with six egg rolls)."James Best as Sheriff Roscoe is the king of slapstick comedy, and his deputies are the princes. Roscoe is the perfect foil figure to the Duke boys, and could never catch them to help silence them during Boss Hogg's nefarious schemes. He'll trip and fall on his own shadow, or hit himself in the back of the neck with a shovel. The Dukes always overcome the blustering and deviancy of Boss Hogg to save him and Sheriff Cotraine from the clenches of the real dangerous criminals. Yet Hogg continues to play every trick in the book to swindle old Jesse Duke out is farm and send his two boys "to the pokey". When will he ever learn common decency?"The Dukes of Hazzard" is a show that thrives on intentional stupidity. This show is actually dumber than "The Beverly Hillbillies", a 1960's CBS classic with a lot of the same redneck silliness as the more modern "Dukes". I mean how many times can you go the right way down a one way street and encounter head on traffic? Unlike "The Beverly Hillbillies", "The Dukes" had charisma, character depth, charm and lots of color, and was very cartoonish. I mean how many people in rural Georgia have a sparkling red & orange car with an eight cylinder engine, and four wheel drive that can easily outrun a Sheriff or jump a river? Them Duke boys' car can do it.