The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien
The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien
| 01 June 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    Stanley Craig (bushape1) My wife and I were die hard fans of The Tonight Show, our favorite host had to be Johnny Carson, no one can replace the master. Jay Leno took a long time for us to 'warm-up' to him but he finally became the norm, or we just got used to him. Then along came Conan, we didn't particularly care for Conan when he was on The Late Show, he was just to outlandish for us or just to 'gayesque'. When Conan started on the Tonight Show we gave him a chance to entertain us. And entertain us he did. Conan started out acting nervous and it took awhile for him to get into his groove. After awhile we had a lot of respect for him for hanging in there and giving it his best. And as we got used to him he became part of us just like Jay had done previously. NBC in their ultimate wisdom decided it was time for him to go. I don't know why or neither do I understand the politics of bringing Jay back. But it was totally unfair to Conan. I am glad that Conan got another gig. But now that Jay Leno is gone I will no longer be watching the Tonight Show. Jimmy Fallon is not and will not be as good as Conan. NBC really screwed the pooch on this one. Conan worked for NBC for over 20 years and then gets told he is fired, what a bunch of BS. How much NBC stock does Jay Leno own? I like Jay but he is no Johnny as Jimmy is no Conan. Rock on Conan.
    randymil No offense to the late Johnny Carson, or Jay Leno for that matter. But I think Conan O'Brien is the funniest talk show host of all time. Better than Letterman, Kimmel, and Jack Pahr as well. There's not a minute of the show that my abs are not still recovering from my last gut-wrenching outburst of laughter. Conan knows what's funny, and he's got a wit that is unmatched by any comedian I've ever seen. And of course Andy Richter does a GREAT job as Connan's Ed McMahon. He should definitely go back to sitting on the couch. McMahon did it right? Leno is a decent comedian, but he didn't have the charisma and fast paced sense of humor like Conan does. He made Tom Hanks, Will Ferrel, and Julia Louise Dreyfuss ten times funnier than what they actually were. And of course CoCo and Coop was hilarious as well. I have to say that I had HUGE expectations for Conan in his Tonight Show debut, and he's surpassed them with an enormous surplus. The Tonight Show is my new favorite show. And I think that if NBC doesn't fold under pressure, it will soon blow David Letterman out of the water with ease.PS: I've watched Jimmy Fallon too. It has potential. He just still seems pretty uncomfortable being the leading man on an unscripted show.
    nightwind_hawk I failed to find any of the jokes in his first episode. It was just a bunch of videos - some funny, and some were him just screaming nonsense (for example, the Universal Studios clip). The second episode opened up with a more traditional monologue, but still, it was short and contained very few jokes.I've enjoyed some of the videos so far, such as the video clip about his old car and his shopping spree. However, most of the show consists of him standing anxiously or screaming in strange voices. I suppose this is a new "Tonight Show" that must be gotten used to, because it used to be much classier.Let's give Conan a chance, but I've already removed it from my DVR. The first three episodes were very disappointing and from now on, I'll view it online if I want to see how it's going.
    MannyCastro To quote a line from Seinfeld, "that's gold, Jerry. Gold!" Is it possible that in only ONE night, Conan O' Brien has surpassed 17 years of Jay Leno? Yes, it is very possible. Conan's first episode as host of the Tonight show was, to say the least, hilarious! He began the show by running from New York to L.A. to host the show. That's right. Watching Conan run across the country was funnier than Leno's monologue. Then, he began the show by doing his usual monologue in the set Universal built just for him. It's different from Leno's set since it's a more traditional talk show set with a little New York flavor. However, he did keep Leno's lighting which I thought was interesting. Conan followed the monologue by showing two hilarious remote pieces. One was Conan giving a tour of Universal Studios and the other was him driving his 1992 Ford Tarus around town. Then, the show lost some steam during the interview segment. The guest was Will Ferrell. I like Ferrell and he was funny but you couldn't ignore the fact that a show owned by Universal, being shot at Universal was promoting a movie by Universal. The show went from 30 minutes of hilarity to 30 minutes of promotions.Either way, it was a great episode. And I hope there's more great episodes to come. We've been waiting 5 years for this and it lived up to expectations. The best part is that Conan didn't really change a thing. It's classic Conan!