The New Dick Van Dyke Show
The New Dick Van Dyke Show
| 18 September 1971 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    pmoore-18 I really liked this show when it was on. I would have been a young girl (10-11) back then. I'm assuming the episode about the daughter seeing her parents having sex didn't air. If it did, how do posters know what actually took place in that particular episode? Quite frankly, in the early 70's, that would have been too hot to handle. And I'm not sure an episode like that even today would be appropriate for very young children to see. At 10-11 years of age, I would have been kind of horrified if I had watched that episode with my parents in the room. I was just beginning to learn about the birds & bees at that age. Very uncomfortable and very before it's time if Carl Reiner got ticked off because they wouldn't air it. And I think all of the actors involved should have understood the controversy such an episode would have brought to the public that they weren't ready for at that point in time. It was a good show and I think it got axed way too early. I just never knew the whole story about the "sex" themed episode and why the show was canceled due to the actors/producers being angry about it.
    gryphon-web I was a fan of the first two seasons of this series. With the third, and final, season there were multiple cast changes and Dick, Hope and the girl that played their daughter were all that was left of the original cast. Interestingly, I recall reading that prior to being cast as Jenny in this series, Hope Lange's acting experience had been as a film actress and she had never performed before live audiences until this time. She made a great transition! In one episode Dick & Jenny are resolving an argument and he makes a comment about, "Whoever said blondes were dumb?" Jenny's reply; "Probably some dumb brunette." Were they giving Mary Tyler Moore a little jab? :-) Although the ratings remained good (not great) after the cast changes, the reason this series was pulled from the CBS schedule was because of an episode the network refused to air; Dick & Jenny's daughter accidentally sees them making love. Her parents then explain what she saw. CBS found the topic too controversial. When Dick Van Dyke and Hope Lange protested, the series went into permanent hiatus. Remember, only a decade earlier Rob & Laura couldn't even sleep in the same bed. But only a few years later CBS allowed Edith Bunker to deal with rape and Maude Findlay with menopause.BTW ~ In regards to sensitive subject matter, Hope gave a fine performance in the TV movie "That Certain Summer."
    raysond Dick Van Dyke at the time this new sitcom came along,was still at the height of his fame,but during the early 1970's he made a second sitcom which was very good and truly outstanding that nowadays is easily forgotten and likewise faded into our memories. Only this time around, he would portrayed a character that was about the same but likewise totally different. You see that in "The New Dick Van Dyke Show",the character would be totally different from the original cache that occurred in his famous 1960's sitcom series,but with a brand new twist. However actors,Dick Van Dyke and Hope Lange(From the TV Series,"The Ghost And Mrs. Muir"),are likeable stalwarts of two different sitcoms which made and impression of impaccable chemistry as a winning team and with pretty good results which gave the green light at Van Dyke's former employer,CBS-TV the go-ahead with this series which only lasted four seasons,1971-1975. Here,there are no particularly memorable plots,but you really believed them as a modern day married couple living in suburban America with a teenage daughter. Here Dick Van Dyke portrays,Rob Preston,a advertising executive working for a huge company where his wife is a stay at home suburban housewife that looks after the young teenage daughter,who is in high school. The writers wanted to make a more modern series since this came out after all in the era of classic 70's family oriented/situation comedy shows:"All In The Family", "The Brady Bunch","The Waltons","The Bob Newhart Show","Maude",and "Mary Tyler Moore".However,the show was produced by Saul Turteltaub and Bernie Orenstein,who were the producers of a ton of vintage 70's shows like "Sanford and Son","Good Times","The Jeffersons",and "What's Happening!" and so much more,were also two of the writers along with Sheldon Leonard on the 1960's original "Dick Van Dyke Show" series,along with the show's creator and executive producer Carl Reiner,who was executive in charge of production of this series. Not to mention the superb writing and directing talents of veteran directors Jay Sandrich,Jerry Paris,Alan Rafkin,Don Weis,and Peter Baldwin(from TV's "The Bob Newhart Show"). This show also provided a great cast including original cast members from Van Dyke's 1960's sitcom as either regulars or supporting cast members like Rose Marie,and Richard Deacon along with a supporting cast of greats:Marty Brill,Richard Dawson,David Doyle,and Nancy Dussault and in some episodes Carl Reiner. Hilarious? Yep,lots of laughs which Dick Van Dyke himself supplying the mischief in every episode. Hope Lange is excellent here,but you can tell that she is no Mary Tyler Moore here,but she gives that ultimate spark of chemistry within the two characters. Overall,a great series that is unfortunably forgotten and faded into our memories.
    Lilibetp I enjoyed this show even more than the original Dick van Dyke show. I always found Mary Tyler Moore a little annoying - never liked her show, but loved Rhoda - and found most of the characters a little one-note (Sally couldn't find someone to marry, Buddy couldn't say anything nice about his wife, Mel couldn't say anything nice about anyone but Alan and that was fake, and Alan was bald). But I really enjoyed this, even though I only got to see a few episodes. The episode where Dick got stuck in a tree was a hoot! And I always loved Hope Lange. She never over-acted or over-reacted, but just seemed real.