The Fall
The Fall
TV-MA | 12 May 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
    terrigprovostmahj I tried to watch this, got up to episode 4, I believe. I kept hoping it would get better but it didn't.
    Jake Bergen This is a well acted show with a plot that kept me interested, but the long, drawn out lulls grew tiresome. They could have made the show significantly better (and a number of episodes shorter) by just cutting out long, slow shots that cut back and forth to people thinking that were likely meant to build suspense but did the opposite by getting boring, and added nothing to character development. Sometimes the show seemed that it couldn't decide what it wanted to be, there is one episode that came across as a medical drama and was completely inconsistent with the other episodes and added almost nothing to the story. Good show, worth watching, but is made better if you can fast forward the tedious bits.
    symmachos I really enjoyed the first season of this show - the casting, the dialogue, the plot development, the photography, the creepy & foreboding atmosphere. The second season also started off well, but then things got awfully bogged down. I fully expected the story to be finished by the final episode of that season, so I felt badly cheated when it ended on a cliffhanger. Nevertheless, even after the long wait for the third season, I still found myself curious enough to see how everything worked out. Unfortunately, the third season is the weakest of all. It's excruciatingly slow in pace, with many long silent takes, supporting storylines that go nowhere, and what seemed to me (as an American) to be absurd lapses in procedure. Maybe things are different in the UK, but over here a confessed serial killer (especially one so physically formidable) would not be allowed into an interrogation room without being well restrained. (Not to mention what happened afterward at the psychiatric facility!) Now that I've seen all three seasons, I still think this is high-quality long-form TV, but for me it can't compare with such other recent thrillers as The Bridge (original Danish/Swedish version), the first season of True Detective, or the ongoing Icelandic thriller, Trapped. One final point: I notice a sharp split in these IMDb reviews about Gillian Anderson's performance. Like many others, I was somewhat annoyed by the increasing breathiness of her voice over the three seasons, but I still find her a riveting presence on screen, and her name at the top of a cast list will still be a major draw for me.
    cm-schmidt2 The old adage is that time is your most valuable resource and this show robbed me of a ton of it. I've never written a review before, but I felt obligated to do so for this piece of trash. The series was so unnecessarily slow it almost painful to watch. I heavily rely on the IMDb community when it comes to chosing what to watch, and it completely failed me this time. The entire thing could have been rapped up in 5 or so episodes. There are so many unnecessary shots and sequences that one cannot help but believe that either the series was edited/directed by an 8 year old in that it just rambles through so many useless details of a story OR the network was just milking this thing for all its worth knowing people may continue to tune in because of the solid leads and provocative subject matter. The acting by Jamie Dornan and Gillian Anderson is very strong and the only redeeming quality that makes it any bit tolerable. This is the only reason that I didn't give it a 1 and also didn't punch a hole in my wall when it ended. The writing of the series is so horrible in so manys that it doesn't even warrant my time to list them all. The most significant two are as follows. 1) There are so many errors, inaccuracies, and mistakes in the due process/police work demonstrated that one must figure the writers take the audience to be complete morons who won't even notice. 2) Once you painstakingly arrive at the last episodes of the series, you think that they may have something and finally pull this thing together. NOPE! It just ends in an incredibly lazy way. Lots of solo shots of characters not saying anything. This is merely an attempt to make you think that maybe you didn't get the deeper message. The messages are clear and obvious early on so like I said, it's just Lazy. How anyone could rate this garbage anything higher than a 3 is beyond me. Either you have all the time in the world on your hands or you've never really watched decent film/tv. Rarely am I physically angry when something ends, but this did it.