Top of the Lake
Top of the Lake
TV-MA | 18 March 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    damzels The change in scenery between the 1st and 2nd season worked really well. Both season are different, but both are really good. I loved the acting, the story and the subtle (sometimes absurd) humor. The series handles some big taboos and things are not too predictable and mainstream and that's a big plus.
    birgitenhans Jane Campion, Elisabeth Moss, Gwendoline Christie _and_ Nicole Kidman in season 2 of Top of the Lake of which season 1 was great. What could possibly go wrong?Well... everything.If you enjoy yelling at your TV "Why don't you do anything?" please go ahead. Maybe Jane Campion can chime in and explain why no one intervenes when the daughter continues to make one bad decision after another for no apparent reason but to irritate the audience. There is no explanation, no character development, no apparant reason why no one locks the daughter in her bedroom and throws away the keys or why the villian isn't arrested and put in to jail after assaulting the police and, spoiler alert, whoring the daughter. In the end everything just becomes laughably bad and you don't care about any of the characters anymore.
    catholichebrew This show is full of vulgarity, profanity and crude violence. Which is why so many people in our culture today like it. But for the rare few who have any decency left in there souls, this series is offensive and filthy. To bad they wasted such pretty location scenery. Like most writers today who can't really write, this one has to shock you with unnecessary sex, violence, and profanity to cover up the lack of a good story and intelligent dialogue. Take a look at the series "Trapped" if you want to see good writing and a great story line. It is SO much better than this.
    rowie55 I have only watched the second series, having done some research on the first series. This started out with a lot of promise ended up farcical. Elisabeth Moss lacks credibility as the lead and also as a police Detective. Her boss oozed being a real cop while the two females were a bit of a joke. Nicole Kidman plays the tree hugging gay mum with startling accuracy as far as a stereotypes go, but she was one shining light in what dragged on to become very average entertainment. Having surrounded ourselves with televisions shows like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Narcos, Ray Donovan, Ozark, Get Shorty this offering from Jane Campion was very very weak. It amazes me what peoples expectations of gritty drama is, when reviewers on here rate Top of the Lake so highly, when it is clearly in a much lower category than the example of shows I have just listed. In concluding, a few hours of my life I have wasted.
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