| 26 May 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Daniel and Svetlana This might have been an interesting movie. The storyline of a pandemic spreading like wildfire may be a cliché, but when done well, could have been decent. Unfortunately, I saw this movie and simply had to laugh at things that were not taken care of anywhere near a "real world" scenario. For instance, if you were trying to keep 6 million people in one place, you'd use more than a single wooden 2x4 painted barricade across the road.An interesting premise, but that's all it is - a premise that went into production as a "movie" without any further thought.The B-list-at-best cast certainly doesn't help.I grade it as 3/10 for being bad enough to be laughable, but not make me throw things at the screen.
    willshagya First of all, I'm not sure if I remember all of the clichés, so please feel free to add to the list.Before I start listing, let me say that this is one of the worst movies I have seen in quite a while - and I do watch a lot of movies. If the whole idea behind this movie was to just cliché to cliché to cliché until eternity - they certainly made the best movie ever! But, let's just get on with it and do the list (in no particular order): 1. The dips**t gun nut white supremacist who has watched too many Rambo movies.2. The Australian who cares about nothing else than surfing.3. The rogue law enforcement officer (in this case FBI) who breaks the law in order to uphold the law.4. The national guard being completely out of their depth.5. The law enforcement officer (same as #3) who's estranged from his wife and doesn't have enough time for his son.6. The (almost Die Hard type) villain who f**ks everything up and in the end gets caught by the guy from #3,5.7. The relative of one of the people in charge (in this case the niece of one of the CDC heads) who gets infected, but is saved in the end.8. The political quarries between the big boss and the little big boss (i.e. governor and mayor).9. The opportunist who just wants to make a fortune, no matter what.K, that's all I can remember right now, but that's probably due to the fact, that I subconsciously tried to erase this 'thing' (I just can't bring myself to call this a movie) from my memory, even while I was still watching it! Oh, there's one more person who really ticked me off - the obsessive compulsive photographer, who just made me wanting to take the camera off her and use it to beat her into a bloody pulp with it!!! Sorry, I'm not a violent person, but AARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!
    saintcecilia I should start by confessing that I didn't last the distance on this movie - I bailed when we got to the traditional gooey sentimental bits - but I can't resist a good disaster movie. This was not one of them.The start was not promising. Note to producers - if you want to show someone just coming out of the water from surfing, make sure there's something more than a six inch break in the background. There's actually very little surfing in far North Queensland because the Great Barrier Reef stops the swell from coming in. Second note to producers - there is no way you could get from far North Queensland to Sydney by car in 8 hours.After that, things got a little better. A bit of character establishment on the plane (so we care about them later when they keel over) though I do wonder why there only seemed to be one stewardess. The landing, unloading of body and passengers and the setting up of the ERC was all low key and convincing. The hovering media rang true but I cannot believe that the Head of the CDC would be so incompetent at handling them.Then it started to get gooey and silly. Gangsters being broken out with no security to be seen. Nieces having to take taxis and thus getting the virus because career-oriented mothers and aunts can't spare the time to pick her up (and can I say that the niece got to the coughing up blood stage remarkably fast). Touching farewells between FBI colleagues - "Hey, you're going to die (maybe he didn't), it's been nice knowing you."That was when I gave a less than touching farewell to this movie.
    cwoliver-1 you'll realize that the characters didn't really die, but the movie did. In fact the movie was DOA. This movie misses the mark in so many ways I can't count them. It was nice, however, to see French Stewart in a semi-serious role.Overacting abounds with little believability in any character. I just wasn't convinced that this story was real. The story idea wasn't a bad one but the writing was stupid. The doctor saves the day by coming up with a treatment and immediately applies it to her niece. No board/peer review or informed treatment? I guess ethics is no longer a required course in med schools. The technical effects were also wanting - when they put Kayla's niece on "a respirator" it turns out to be a simple continuous-feed oxygen mask. I could go on but I won't waste anymore time with examples - watch and see for yourself.While I'm willing to suspend disbelief, the movie can't ask that I suspend ALL disbelief forever. And that's what Pandemic does.1 out of 10