White Famous
White Famous
TV-MA | 15 October 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Artivels Undescribable Perfection
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    porceline-p I can totally relate to this show's topics and humor! The interaction between the lead character and his best friend really does happen where I'm from and no one is offended because friends are supposed to be honest and keep you grounded. The joke of the agent having the hots for his client's child's mother is supposed to be repulsive where the lead snaps back at him. Because that's what will happen where I'm from. Unfortunately, the individuals who rated this show low and unfunny, will never find this funny, because this show, topic, and humor most likely wasn't meant for you to get as being funny. I think this was meant to show how we really feel about you and how much of a joke you are to us and we don't take you seriously. It's kind of like how I watched Martin growing up, while you watched the unfunny Friends. We didn't take Martin seriously and knew is was just jokes and urban humor, while you watched Friends and totally loved that a girl would sleep around and date best friends and it not be considered nasty. So if you don't get White Famous' point, then consider the first episode, where the lead said he doesn't want to be 'white' famous, when he's OK being 'black'. In other words, the show has nothing to prove to outsiders, it's the outsiders who want to be proved to. These episodes are cleverly written and totally smart.
    youcantoutrunmycamaro The major issue I had with White Famous, and this is a biggie, is that I didn't really find it funny. Even if you go into the show without the expectation that you'll be laughing out loud every minute, I think most will find that it doesn't bring the laughs (or just basic, feel-good enjoyment) the way a comedy really should. With the notable exceptions of Jay Pharoah's Denzel Washington impression and someone mistakenly saying "Blafrican-American" a couple of times right after he's professed to never use the word "black" to refer to people, I never had an honest moment of hilarity from the show. There's even an extended cameo from Jamie Foxx, which was clearly supposed to be so crazy that you'd LOL non-stop, but I just found it sort of embarrassing for all involved. Where I was expecting Curb Your Enthusiasm levels of cringe-worthy laughs, I generally just got cringes.
    sarahartleymd It is hard to be hip and get a green light. This is not Insecure or Atlanta.Someone tried to concoct a romantic stud Black hipster man-child comic sipping Slurpies as a good Dad and loving his baby mama while Makin' it in LA.Too many cooks spoiled this soup.
    corkwriter While it's always dangerous to base a conclusion about a new TV Series based on just one episode, it appears that "White Famous" on Showtime is a dandy. It's about a young black comedian trying to make the move to movies in Hollywood while maintaining his personal, artistic and racial identity and integrity.So yeah, it'a hybrid, a comedy with a message, but if the initial episode is indicative, the two don't negate each other and the talent at work here is abundant.In the lead is Jay Pharaoh as the comedian. I really like his sidekick,manager/whatever, played by Jacob Ming-Trent, a classically trained actor. Never been a big fan of Michael Rapaport in the past,but he appears born to play a wackaloon director trying to get Pharoah's character in his movie.I admit I was surprised by the vitriol contained in a number of other reviews and suggest you make up your own mind. I suspect it comes less from the quality of the series and more from the neuroses of (some of) the reviewers. I've been a professional reviewer and believe me, some of them are not hooked up right.If you've got Showtime, give it a shot. I think you'll like it. If it doesn't work for you, you'll know soon enough.