| 10 September 1994 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cortechba Overrated
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
    david-m-fleisch This show is an absolute gem. The characters are all caring "people" with interesting stories and histories. The animation was absolutely cutting edge for this time and although does not hold up today it more than makes up for it with it's content. Here's hoping that one day the cliffhanger gets resolved. This series if brought back still has a lot of life left in it and stories left untold.
    Romeo Garcia Men i remember when this cartoons came out it was the "born" of animated computer characters (early year was Jurassic Park) so for the time was very awesome (the other awesome cartoons was Transformers:Beast wars) so i can't simple believe it that already spend 24 years!!!This cartoons was a different story for kids because in many ways they introduce the "computer" languaje for the future generations and they make it great Of course the animation was very unique and many years later a lot of new comers say that REBOOT was his inspiration.Like a say before i glad to be part of the generation of REBOOT and is make me very sad that be never be a cartoon like this in the future.
    Trey Mercartne "ReBoot" was a strange little show in many ways. The first ever entirely CGI-Series, it was incredibly ground-breaking at the time for this fact alone. But it wasn't just that which made "ReBoot" so original. The whole premise for the show is very geeky, which is probably why it's initial massive success surprised so many people. You have to figure there is something more this show is offering the viewer, and there definitely is.Obviously, the show is technically astounding for it's time. It's hard to appreciate just what amazing work the team behind "ReBoot" created with, by today's standards, very primitive tools. People often credit "Toy Story" as the first truly immersive CGI production, but "ReBoot" is the real ground breaker in this field. Apart from that, the characters created on this show are amazing. They have back story, character development, strong personality and have generally been incredibly well realised. Although quite basic in the first two seasons, the writing on "ReBoot" was very well developed by the Third and Fourth Seasons. It's certainly the best written Kids programme I've ever seen.It's a great shame that "ReBoot" isn't given more credit. It was truly technically groundbreaking, and in addition it was very well written and produced. One can only imagine at the talent and dedication of the team behind this truly charming television programming. The whole show was a risk and was TRULY original. If more programmes on Television (especially animated ones) were as classy, vivid, imaginative, inventive and generally impressive as "ReBoot" than the TV schedules would be a much more inspiring.
    emasterslake This was one of the TV shows I grew up watching. Remenbered first seeing it on ABC 12 years ago. Only seen a few episodes at first. Got to see more of Seasons 1 and 2 and the new Season 3 when it aired on Cartoon Network.This cartoon is unlike anything you'd see. It's taken place inside a computer. The characters are virtual and saber like beings. The ones that look like humans are called Sprites. While the others are shape like 1 & 0(computer language) and some large numbers as well.Has the stuff and parts you'd find in any PC. Only it's more like a City. The city is called "Mainframe" and it's infected with 2 Viruses who are wreck havoc in this system. The city's only hope is this Guardian(A sprite that defends Systems from Viruses and other harmful things) named Bob.The other problem besides Viruses are these Game cubes that drop slowly from the sky. You have to be inside before it hits the ground. If you loose or didn't get into the game then it'll cause damage to the system. If you were inside it after a Game Over then you'll get Nullifide and become a Null(a mindless slug thing).So it's important for a Guardian to win these games so that way there's no damage or Nullifying in the system.This Cartoon is a must see. It has a lot of characters to admire and hate. It ran for 3 complete Seasons and 1 unfinished Season. It's a shame this series doesn't have much fame to it, it kept getting canceled and brought back more than twice.But it is a really cool cartoon to watch. Much cooler than Jimmy Neutron. Proves there was something before Jimmy Neutron as well.The incomplete Season 4 episodes are found on DVD. That one had a good start but it shouldn't of ended in a cliffhanger. You're able to either Downloading them or wait for a decent DVD Box sets to come out.It's a real treat to watch.