| 11 October 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    hazysistersunshine33 I think I am almost finished with the first season and so far I am not too impressed. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere. It revolves around a cop who works in the Five Points area in New York which is a bad area, so he has to be kind of a bad cop. Tom Weston-Jones, who play Kevin Corcoran (Corky) is adorable and the acting by him and everyone else is adequate. As I said, it needs to start some sort of real good running story line or at least have more compelling disconnected episodes. If the first season finale doesn't end with a bang, I may not continue watching it. There is just too many good things on TV these days
    Bob Shank Follow this thought, then comment - or not: After consideration of replies to my query for the cancellation of the 'highest-rated-ever' BBC America production of 'Copper' from friends-in-the-know and a few associated politicos, I've come to the conclusion this series was untimely 'abrupted' because its incisive historical content successfully filmed, and revealed to millions, the early beginnings of New York City's seedy and corrupt underbelly just prior-to-then-following the outset of the reign of William Magear Tweed (April 3, 1823 – April 12, 1878 – 55 years) – often erroneously referred to as William Marcy Tweed, and widely known as 'Boss Tweed.' The current 'Potentates-at-large' within this extremely large American berg haven't taken much of a liking to this untimely exposure, thus ultimately forcing the series cancellation toward its producers. If you were the Mayor of NYC, would you want this kind of attention from, at the very least, world-wide tourists who bring $$$millions, annually, into YOUR city? It makes some common sense. Within the comments from BBC America, ' was a fitting moment to conclude this American story' (so said Perry Simon, BBC General Manager). If you follow The Hollywood Reporter, the series could possibly come out as a movie. We can only hope.
    farmergilesuk What the Hell's kitchen were they thinking of cancelling Copper? A third season shelved on such a cliff hanger, when the story was really gaining momentum, and just as Billy Baldwin showed up and confirmed he hadn't flat lined. Maybe a new TV commercial for a network provider beckons for Kevin Bacon's best mate, know what I mean? Anyway it was good to see his sleazy return to our screens, if only for a short while. Copper was a great series, not as hard edged as Deadwood, or as sophisticated as Boardwalk Empire, however it was good fun. The violence was a little cartoonish at times and it certainly became a bit modest just when you thought something really awful or exciting should have happened. That said, it really left the viewer wanting to know more about the characters and indeed the actors, who more or less did a great job, especially Kevin Ryan, who plays Detective Francis Maguire. He displayed just the right mix of brooding malice and dogmatic honour that made him really fun and interesting to watch.The first series starts off well and builds a good story, complete with a few historical inaccuracies and misplaced modern attitudes, but remember this is no Deadwood! Apart from a bit of violence, this was something your mother could probably tolerate. Then came the second season, which obviously must have caught a negative whiff about re-commissioning for a third, because the violence and the nudity are certainly ramped up. Now your mother may have a thing or two to say and you'd best watch it on your own first.This is a fun and lively series if you fancy a bit of period drama, that is gritty at times but never really shocking or uncomfortable to watch for anyone with a medium strength stomach. However, be warned that you will probably really enjoy it, and will need to be prepared for the disappointment of not seeing a third series!
    Hebitsukai The show presented me at first the interesting idea of a CSI/NCIS style show but in "cowboys" era. This was intended at first with Doctor Matthew Freeman (Ato Essandoh) getting evidences and study them with the means available at that time...solving crimes like that. But then they dropped this "motto" to a boring soap opera of pseudo-romantic bad relationships...tons of betrayals...and political interest struggles.No wonder the show was canceled after 2 seasons...because the second series became quite boring to watch. I confess that still couldn't find the patience to watch the last 4 episodes.The acting was very good by all of the actors...I particularly liked little Annie Reilly (played by awesome Kiara Glasco). She looks very petite (don't know how old is she IRL)...but she plays her part with so much matureness...that actually she looks like a young woman in a child's body. She is a great actress. Congratulations Kiara, and keep acting, PLEASE.5 out of 10 why?1st season 10... 2nd season 0... Therefore... 10/2=5 !