The Looming Tower
The Looming Tower
TV-MA | 28 February 2018 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    ebubekirdogan02 This tv show is really telling us about American bureaucracy. Did lesson has been learned, I don't think so...! Jeff Daniels did great job again, thanks to him...!
    amartyadey88 I thoroughly enjoyed watching this series. A great expose on the intelligence sharing failure on the part of CIA with the FBI - intelligence which could have prevented what is perhaps the largest world terrorist attack, that too on US soil.Bureaucracy kills, and often bureaucrats lose sight of the end goals by focusing on oneupmanship and office politics. And this everywhere. Whether it be the US or India - a more high power distance culture. The series is by one of the best I have ever watched. From the cinematography, screenplay and acting point of view, it was top notch. They did not lose focus, especially when you have so much content to work with! Do watch!
    Jmcgwelch There was a 2003 (?) PBS documentary called the Man Who Knew. John was a unique guy. He didn't fit the mold of the "Game Show Hosts" at the FBI. And the CIA should have been prosecuted.
    pkpera Very interesting subject, but first couple episodes did not convince me that Hulu means it seriously. There was too much irrelevant little side story - well, maybe that helped to make it 10 episodes long :-) I guess that 7-8 would be better number considering story telling. Anyway, I expected some 'dramatic overdoing' for episode 10, but for positive surprise John O'Neill was shown only for short in. There was much more about interrogation in Yemen, what was probably best part of serial. Now, I must say that same questions could be given to some Western Christians. Like to George Bush, who's reaction was shown for short in e10. He mentioned 'faceless coward' . How's that in many countries that phrase was used for those attacking from planes, with missiles at/from high altitude ? I'm not anti-American, but country with such power and so widely involved should really choose better leaders. It's 2018, and things aren't better. In EU for sure not. Finally, as I see CIA is always bad guy, in almost all movies. American movies. Will it ever change ?
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