Constantine: City of Demons
Constantine: City of Demons
TV-MA | 24 March 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
    Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    rckhound So someone had to have thought "Hey we have a highly anticipated animated series coming out, lets compete with Castlevania and make our episodes even shorter than they did." Even fan made videos on YouTube are longer than this joke of a series. What's worse, in case the idioticaly short series wasn't bad enough. 2 whole episodes are wasted explaining the backstory with Astra as if it was a mystery. If your gonna make really short episode, don't waste time on a side plot, that's just idiotic. I wasn't surprised someone decided to do that, though, considering Bruce Wayne's parents death is shown in every Batman movie. At least the show is free to watch on the CW Seed. Having Matt Ryan in Legends of Tomorrow was the best thing that happen with Costantine.
    Paradox-Warrior This series is a perfect example of why Marvel is kicking DC's ass all over the place when it comes to tv and cinematic portrayals of their properties. I don't mean to imply this series was bad, the exact opposite actually. I loved this mini series and it had me longing to take all five minisodes, combine them into one, and add on another two hours or so to make it a full movie. The premise behind the series is interesting and has the potential to be a really great full-length film that not only has John kicking demon ass, but getting a really good and interesting look at his backstory that not many people may know about. What really angers me is that shows like this one are regulated to 6-minute minisodes while works of complete idiocy like Batman Ninja and Batman and Harley Quinn are given full movie running times. Even Justice League Dark, which I actually liked, felt like it had been cheapened by limiting it to barely over an hour's runtime. So much more could have been done with it in so many ways.The problem, basically, is DC isn't treating their characters and property with the same level of respect Marvel does with its properties. Even though the majority are live action these days, just look at the differences between Marvel's films and DC's. Look at the levels of anticipation between Justice League and Avengers Infinity War. There was hardly any anticipation for Justice League because you could tell just from its preview and the way it handled its characters in previous films that it was going to be terrible, while the exact opposite is true for Marvel.Honestly, DC needs to focus their attention and effort a lot more on shows like Constantine: City of Demons and Justice League Dark, while exploring bringing characters like Constantine to Netflix where they can really play around with them and their storylines without studio interference, because, without question, DC is losing the multi-media war with Marvel, and losing it BADLY.
    sandowl It's great. The animation and story line so far are really interesting. Colours are vibrant.Only problem is the episodes are ridiculously short. Just start relaxing into it and it's gone. Really poorly thought out that aspect I think. After feeling good about what I was watching, it soon turned to great annoyance at having to keep starting new episodes every 5 minutes or so, which obviously detracts from the experience as a whole.If episodes 1-5 were made 1 episode, at least the run time would be more reasonable. As someone else has mentioned, each episode just abruptly stops without any clear definition, other than the credit title screen.
    mmoneta The intro and outro are longer than the content. About ten sentences of dialog, and the program's over. Better to wait for the edited together re-release, which will probably run for 30 minutes. Watching it the way it is, is a waste of time.