Invader ZIM
Invader ZIM
TV-Y7 | 30 March 2001 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Artivels Undescribable Perfection
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
    C.A. Morvant I might be a little bias since I am a super fan of this show, but it's just so great. The entire entire premise, the characters, and comedy mixed in with alittle action here and there. It just makes for a good series. Jhonen Vasquez has that dark side of humor that he added into this that made it super funny, and that's what I think the IZ fanbase lacks when making fanfics of this series, his random, darkish, and snarky sense of humor just makes it one-of-kind. I can't wait for the TV movie and I'm expected to be entertained just as much as I was with the original series.
    Delaney Smith This is easily the DARKEST children's show I've ever seen in my life. But it's perfect! The voice acting is perfect, the animation is flawless, the plot lines are absurd and hilarious, and the characters are all well-developed and fun to watch.Zim is the perfect main character--Ambitious, self-centered and determined, yet blissfully unaware of what's going on around him. Not to mention he can, on occasion, be a complete and utter badass. Dib works off of Zim perfectly, and the situations they get into are just... How do you even describe it? One moment, Dib is trying to stop Zim from stealing the organs of kids, another they're working together to stop a giant hamster-monster. Don't even get me started on Gir. I think he's gone a little bit too mainstream, but can you really see why? He's even dumber than Zim, disobedient, and somehow gluttonous, but he's so quotable and hilarious you can't help but laugh every time he's on screen. Even the minor and side characters are unique. Gaz is easily the coolest female character I've ever seen on Nickelodeon (Though that's up against some serious competition). Tak is just awesome... She somehow got an entire backstory and motive crammed into one episode.The score is unique and dark. It gives you this "action scene" vibe. We need that vibe more often.The relationships of the characters are unique as well... Zim and Dib loathe each other, but when they work together, you get this sense of teamwork. Gaz and Dib are siblings, right? Well, Gaz couldn't care less about Dib, though he really cares about his younger sister.This was really one of Nickelodeon's shining moments. It's truly a shame it had to end. But if you're interested, there's a comic. Which is also great.
    doglover_08 I only started watching this in mid-September 2011 and I've realized how funny this show actually is. I've downloaded all the episodes and I can't stop watching this. Richard Horvitz voices Zim so amazingly well & Rikki Simons is the perfect person to voice GIR. Even though GIR may be the funniest character on the show, my favourite character would definitely have to be Zim. He's very awesome as well and he knows that his rival, Dib, will never get to prove to anyone that Zim is actually an alien with a very cool disguise. I don't like Dib as much as what Zim does, but one day, Zim WILL destroy Dib and then he won't have to put up with Dib anymore. Doom to Dib and hooray for Zim! I haven't forgotten about GIR. He's Zim's crazy, silly, but funny robot servant, even when he's in his dog disguise and singing the Doom Song. GIR even says some of the most random, but funny things in a lot of the episodes. I know Zim can't stand GIR sometimes, but GIR can be quite helpful when he's helping Zim defeat Dib. I would keep watching 'Invader Zim' episodes every day, even when I get older and to finish off this review, episodes with only just Dib and Gaz aren't as funny as the episodes with Zim and GIR, which is true. Like the title says, 'You rock, Zim!'
    ViernesTresAM This is one of the, if not THE best cartoon shows I've ever watched, and I've certainly watched a lot. I actually don't understand how is it that this show ever made it to TV. It's depiction of society as completely stupid, useless and disgusting is so controversial, but so true! Everything in this show is reality, ironically heightened to ridiculous extremes! It's incredibly funny, specially when you get older and watch it again, and understand everything you couldn't as a child, and discover all the innuendos. The situations are hilarious too, but I think the best thing about this show are the little details and hidden mocks. It's also kind of dark, and the animation is really cool. So if you're into all those weird 90's cartoons which are kind of gross but funny as hell, this is definitely for you! 10/10