Girls On Top
Girls On Top
| 23 October 1985 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
    Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
    Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
    Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
    manimal99 I hadn't seen this series since it was first shown in the eighties, so what an absolute joy it has been to rediscover it. Although recorded in the mid-80s, the humour hasn't dated one jot - there are few contemporary references which has helped the show stand the test of time remarkably well.For me the star of the show was Tracey Ullman though. It wasn't long after this series that she defected to the US and it shows what a sad loss to British TV comedy she was. Its also interesting to see Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders so early in their careers, although they seem to play "second fiddle" to Tracey Ullman and Ruby Wax in series one.All in all, this show comes highly recommended.
    luvinasda Well, what can i say about Girls on Top then? OK, its not as funny as Ab Fab or anything that Dawn French or Tracey Ullman have been in recently, but still, it was an enjoyable comedy. Now everyone says Ruby Wax, who plays the eccentric, failed American actress Shelly, and Tracey Ullman the typical London, bimbo slag as the most annoying of the girls, but i found these two to be very funny in deed, and nice to see Jennifer Saunders at her ditsy best. And what can i say i say about Joan Greenwood? hilarious! and the thing with her dead stuffed dog Joesphine is simply pure comedy! i loved this programme i really did, but it ain't Ab Fab believe u me. but if your a fan of any of the girls, then i would recommend it! 4**** out of 5*****
    Rich Meyer I can only say that I was very disappointed with Girls on Top. I recently watched the first DVD with the first three episodes and found it to be more annoying than watchable. I expected a lot more, considering what a big French and Saunders fan I am, but even knowing that this series was created before their more-celebrated partnership began doesn't make this show any funnier. Dawn French has the only semi-likable character on the show ... with Tracy Ullman and Ruby Wax being completely over the top in their portrayals (Wax is an American, and I shudder to think what the British must really think of us). Sure, I laughed a couple of times, but most of the time I just strived to try and understand what was being said. It was interesting to see Alan Rickman (one of my favorite actors) in a bit part in the first episode as well, but there really wasn't much to redeem this britcom. If you like these actresses, check out their later work ... avoid wasting your time with Girls on Top.
    dell_of_dreams Four of the funniest comics around (Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Tracy Ullman and Ruby Wax) all together in one show? Hilarity abounds!Girls on top has these four lasses playing four flatmates in a flat owned by Lady Carlton (Joan Greenwood).Dawn French plays Amanda Ripley, hypocritical left-wing feminazi with a secret hobby of keeping pictures of penises in a box under her pillow.Jennifer Saunders plays slow witted and childlike Jennifer Marsh who lives in a corner of the lounge room and is constantly victimized and bossed around by AmandaRuby Wax is failed American actress Shelly DuPont, who has a habit of being the annoying character that you wish would sometimes just tone it down a notch.And Tracey Ullman plays (in the first series only) Bimbotic Candice Valentine.Watching these four and Joan Greenwood in a show for which the script was edited by Ben Elton is certainly one of the funniest shows to grace television screens.Come back GIRLS.
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