TV-14 | 17 March 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    kosho-113-54306 So tricking people into believing something terrible or catastrophic has happened to them is funny? What was really striking about Justin Timberlake being tricked into believing all his property had been seized was his muted response when he realized the truth. He knows a genuine reaction would be seen as uncool in the industry, but his rage and sense of betrayal were tangible. He broke character long enough to order the crew to put his truck down and leave (they ignored him, at least on camera.)In fact, the show depends on people not responding as any normal human would. Oh, I forgot, these are celebrities and this is America.I guess I want to live in a different world than than the producers of this very cruel and misguided show. But you know they did the pilot and got positive test screenings (with the same young men that play first person shooter video games?) and got the green light. How about a show where people are tortured or killed? I'm sure there's an audience.The sponsors should think twice before paying to have their products featured after this junk. And poor Ashton Kutcher, what actor in his right mind would host this? OK, I'll just flip over to the BBC and see images of the famine in Somalia. No tricks there, just reality. We must be a very rich county to be able to create fake misery with fake responses for our amusement.
    Jackson Booth-Millard In Britain, we have Beadle's About and Ant & Dec Undercover, in America, they have this very good programme with the same type of concept, only a bit bigger and braver. Ashton Kutcher and a gang of jokers basically choose a well-known person, celebrity, at random (I guess), find where they are going, and try to fool them into making themselves look an idiot or really cross. The celebrities they have managed to fool, aka get Punk'd, include Christina Aguilera, Pamela Anderson, Pierce Brosnan, Ray Liotta, Denise Richards, Justin Timberlake, Tom Arnold, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Brittany Murphy, Kelly Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne, Seth Green, Jessica Simpson, Jack Osbourne, Pink, Britney Spears, Missy Elliott, Tommy Lee, Katie Holmes, Ashanti, Halle Berry, Penélope Cruz, Robert Downey Jr., Rose McGowan, Jaime Pressly, Alicia Silverstone, Beyoncé Knowles, Matthew Perry, Chris Klein, The Rock, Carmen Electra, Tara Reid, Shannon Elizabeth, Kanye West, Salma Hayek, Kirsten Dunst, Joss Stone, Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, Tony Hawk, Thora Birch, Akon, Adrien Brody, Mischa Barton, Bam Margera, Neve Campbell, Serena and Venus Williams, Kate Beckinsale, Elijah Wood, Hugh Jackman, Brett Ratner, Rihanna and many more. Sometimes you wonder how they got away with doing some of the stunts, as some are bigger than others, but it is hilarious when they do. As far as I know, it was on The 100 Greatest Funny Moments. Very good!
    rochelle-rochelle Bravo to Ashton Kutcnher for making "punk'd" a household name now and adding a semi-celeb version of Candid Camera. However, Punk'd is fun to watch when you are home bored and want something interesting to watch. It's not for people who want to be shocked and amazed and on the edge of your seat type action. It's predictable and not as edgy as it's protégé Candid Camera, but entertaining none-the-less. I think it would be better if some A-list celebs were punk'd like Brad Pitt, Robert DeNiro, Meryl Streep, Jodie Foster, etc. Until then, it'll just be another MTV show that people watch when bored. It's mainly B-list celebs that are punk'd on here.
    Thomas Ferreira Well, at least on some. It is worth watching for a good laugh. Anybody who doesn't like this are looking way too much into it. It is supposed to be a kind of stupid funny. I mean all these people are just being messed with. I definitely liked the one they did with Katie Holmes or the Nude shopper, that was funny. it is just for fun and laughs. Probably more enjoyable watching if you are a little buzzed but funny none the less.