Pimp My Ride
Pimp My Ride
| 04 March 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
    Micransix Crappy film
    Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    gretadurnell This is a fun show. It makes me laugh and lifts my spirits. I am sure it does the same to much of its audience. I am in agreement with another viewer's comment where they stated this is the best "Fixer Upper" show on TV. America, especially right now, needs more shows to lighten the mood. The characters in this show all have a great sense of humor, and the host Xzibit really knows how to captivate the audience. The show seems to raise hope for many of our youth. Sometimes we can give hope to the viewers by showing their peers being uplifted. I wish this show would move to national TV to have a larger impact on our youth. Many people can not afford cable TV. Since this show does such a great job of building self esteem and hope, it would be phenomenal if it could reach a wider audience. It's a hard life for young people right now...for everyone actually.
    GeneralGore The format for an episode of Pimp My Ride is always the same so here is the basic rundown of the show- Xzibit visits the home of a person that sent a video showing their old car and asking for it to be pimped. He really doesn't do much other then driving the car and telling bad jokes (and supplying his own annoying laugh to tell you when something he says is funny). The person will usually start screaming and making a fool out of themselves on television until Xzibit drives the car to West Coast Customs.There, he will leave and does not appear until the end of the show when the person comes back to pick up their car. The West Coast Customs workers will then sit around and discuss what they are going to do to the car. Then they will spend about 30 seconds fast forwarding through the "pimping" and destroying of the car prior to that.They will usually go over-the-top when "pimping" the car, adding at least 4 TVs per car and other expensive and unneeded items you would not use while in your car. I guess that the car looks better after they are done, but that isn't saying much. They rarely ever do anything to the engine so even though you have car that has a TV in every seat and a stereo system that could cause permanent hearing loss, you are still driving the same old car underneath.After, the person will come back with Xzibit and they will scream some more until they drive the car home. Then there are about 50 before-after shots of the car in every angle possible.Overall, they might as well just show some before and after shots of the car for a few minutes and open up some time slots. I would much rather just look at the car after it is done and not waste a half an hour of my time. I would much rather have a car that has a nice paint job and a new engine then a bunch of unnecessary things that make my car the perfect target for a thief.
    polkadotprude The show "Pimp My Ride" is another line of those shows where a crew and some host try to fix up someone's car/house/life/etc.Unfortunately, Pimp My Ride is so extravagant and excessive that it takes away any sort of meaning that the audience could pull away from it.It always begins with the rapper, Xzibit, who mentions someone who needs their car fixed up and they are a too poor to do so themselves. The person always gravely needs a car that functions because they're devoted to some sort of job/education but haven't the resources/time to get a new car. We're shown the car, which is usually in awful shape, the owner of the car shows the various parts falling off, the duct-taped fender and the non-functioning radio, so on and so forth.Xzibit drives away to the garage, where they proceed to pimp the ride. Now, this could be interesting, but we see almost no pimping. We see all the mechanics/"pimpers" meet up and discuss what they'll do to the car, then we see them strip down the car, then the car painted (in fast forward – of course) and tid bits of accessories being installed.It'd be nice if they made the car better, made it nicer with some cool detail, but it goes overboard. TVs on the outside of the car near the wheels, a TV system for a habitat for snakes in the trunk, a working computer system in the back seat. It all seems like too much.All you're left wondering is how this person could pay for any sort of repair if the car got into an accident, how often is it going to get broken into, and how much will this really help their financial situation?
    IrockGswift It's amazing that a body shop named West Coast Customs can turn a near junkyard material vehicle into a play house on wheels. The show is hosted by rapper Xihibit,and his garage pal decorators at West Coast Customs. This show is fun to watch and give people ideas on encouraging them to fix up their hoopties(An old beat up car). From installing a photo booth in one of the cars to installing a shoe rack,these guys can do it all at West Coast Customs. These guys will find out what you enjoy and put it in your vehicle. They need to have something like that on the east coast but it'll probably be very expensive,and if I want all those accessories in my vehicle I'll just get a new one. But it's exciting to see the guest faces after their vehicles been remodeled. Never in a million years these guest think their vehicles could ever be made over into the road of luxury. Xihibit is charming and funny with the guests. Just another way to keep the checks rolling in his pocket.