Pawn Stars
Pawn Stars
TV-PG | 19 July 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
    AboveDeepBuggy Some things I liked some I did not.
    Chantel Contreras It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
    Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
    onekayaker321 Use to love the WHOLE show. I have cut my watch time per episode by approximately 30% fast forwarding through the chum dumb clips. I tivo show now when I think about it. It stays there till I need something to fall asleep to. This show has "jumped the shark". I am glad chummpie got his teeth fixed. Now if him and Corey could find some soap and Corey needs to buy a personality. Rick, please....please get a mani! Your fingers could make a proctologist hurl with that crap under those split yellow nails. When the camera zooms in on small items in your hands, look nasty. Get back to the roots of the show..interesting facts and stories of the items being pawned/sold.
    mjmiguell Ugh.... Can't stand the show pawn stars anymore. Used to like it but got tired of his arrogant attitude and smart remarks to his customers. If I had that kind of attitude towards my customers, I'd be out of business.The show used to be entertaining and I liked the interesting items that were brought in and seeing how much there are worth. I get tired of them cheating and ripping off their customers. Professional says the item is worth $5000, but they give a lame offer of $400 or something far below the value of the item. I was just in utter shock sometimes. Hardcore pawn show is terrible with all the foulness that goes on that show but at least they give fair offers for items to their customers. I will not watch ever again. I talked to many of my friends who used to watch it and they feel the same as I do.
    venitianfun I still enjoy the show but see signs of it maybe running out of gas. Too many obviously scripted situations attempting to be cute and funny. Chum getting a more serious role in the show which he really doesn't seem to be cut out for, especially when he starts rattling off facts concerning whatever a customer is trying to sell or pawn. I realize that it is a TV show and that you can't film a typical day in the pawn shop without boring the viewers to death. The customers are hand picked and Rick and the rest are schooled on the facts and history of whatever item is being featured. All that is still interesting to me and the main reason I watch the show. I guess the problem I have is having to sit through all of the "situations" the staff of the shop has to deal with over the course of an episode. Situations which I find not to be interesting or amusing. Like I said before however, I still watch the show, just not as often as I used to and usually if nothing else is on.
    Joseph Pelatohri The first few seasons of this show weren't bad. The majority of the show revolved around the items brought into the shop. Sure, there were some annoying side-scripts involving the different cast members (e.g. Chumlee acting foolish or the old man falling asleep) but it wasn't the focus and thus didn't detract from the show too much.Fast forward to the last year or two. The show has devolved into something borderline unwatchable. The "annoying side-scrips" are now the focus of the show. The acting is so incredibly obvious that it makes you feel foolish for even watching.I'm not sure why the folks at the History channel feel the need to throw in all this scripted garbage. The original formula (the one that made the show so popular in the first place) allowed the show to practically write itself.Anyway, if you're just getting into the show, my recommendation would be to check out all the older episodes. There are a lot of really cool items and facts with only a limited amount of nonsense.