Pawn Stars
Pawn Stars
TV-PG | 19 July 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    O2D This show is an intelligence insulting waste of time.While it has gotten faker and worse over the years it was always fake garbage.Everything Chumlee ever said was scripted and stupid.No business in the world would employ a fool like that.One time the old man went out side and there was a Mexican who looked exactly like Chum and they never even mentioned him.They even had the nerve to say that they have been taking cars to Danny forever when they didn't even go there in the first two seasons.They took all their cars to a place called Wally's Rusty Nuts.Apparently Wally wasn't a freak show who was willing to make a fool of himself to be on TV, so they had to find someone else.As time progressed it went from just mostly fake to being 100% scripted with a cold open to set up the pathetic story.The worst part is the fat egghead owner who's always wheezing and saying "I mean".To him "I mean" is a complete sentence and it proves he's an idiot who would be homeless if his dad wasn't rich.This is another show that should never be seen.
    David Trevino The 'added' production value and staged situations have become so ridiculous I am going to stop watching the series.I like the items, learning about the different things and seeing the pawn values, but the absolutely foolish, staged situations are childish and unbelievable. What kind of gullible person would think these 'plots' are even real. Add to that the Old Man's horrible acting and you have a recipe for a really lame TV show.Sorry, but I have spoken to many persons and the series has degraded so badly that it is not worth watching any longer.
    Chris Mizerak Hey, kids! Ever wanted to see a reality show about a pawn shop in Las Vegas that picks up rare artifacts (that no one gives a crap about) for big bucks?! No? Well, you got it anyway with "Pawn Stars", arguably the most popular show ever made for the History Channel (a channel that no one ever wanted). Because when I think of high-quality television, this is totally the first thing that pops into my mind! Whenever I'm physically and mentally drained after a hard day's work, the type of entertainment I desire from my television every evening just has to be something like this! Yeah, nothing speaks excitement like talking about trivial historical items (war memorabilia, written documents involving celebrities, and the like) and their so-called "significance", negotiating a high price that will please both the customer and the employee, and squeezing in mundane scripted material between the shop's employees. Wow! Next, you'll be telling me there's a reality show being made about cartpushers! Oh, I'm just overjoyed!!!!"Pawn Stars" is better than the likes of "Dog Whisperer", "Property Brothers", "American Pickers", "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" and other similar reality shows on unneeded channels, but not by much. The show is further proof why reality TV apparently "needs to exist" by providing the audience with a formula that each and every episode of the show must follow or else audiences will be ripped off. Because you know, we really discourage variety in this country!! The formula goes something like this. We have scripted material in which one employee is usually going to cause trouble to the main boss of the shop in some way. Then that material is intercut with these guys doing their job and looking at the items the customers bring in for compensation. And at the end, from what the show seemingly wants me to believe, everything seems to turn out alright because everyone is still employed in the next episode. And yet we had reason to believe that the boss was going to fire that person since they apparently got on his last nerve from the previous episode. Ummm, this is reality? Now you might be saying to yourself: "That's not realistic! If this guy has made as many mistakes as they're showing us, then they should have fired the guy a long time ago! So why haven't they yet?" Oh! That's right! You don't know about the reality TV star rule, do you? According to the reality TV star rule, the more drama a certain character creates (that would certainly get them kicked out of any normal place of work), the longer they'll stay on the show because……it's the only way a show will get ratings allegedly. So the next time you wonder why a reality show such as "Pawn Stars" feels less and less real with each season, just remember that you have this rule to thank for that. The reality TV star rule: because scripted reality TV didn't already feel fake enough yet! By the way, doesn't it help that the dilemmas the employees experience in the scripted part of the show are derived from every other show from this genre ever made? Oh, yeah! Way to capture the essence of reality, guys! And way to excite us with all the stuff that these customers keep bringing in! Oh, yeah! Forget the fact that there was a frame of animation from "Aladdin" (1992) posted on the wall in a brief shot in one episode. Forget the fact that in another episode, a customer brought in the time machine from "Back to the Future" (1985) or at least something similar to the shop's garage. Forget whatever real cool stuff like that was shown in a few episodes. Because "Pawn Stars" has more exciting things to show us……like weapons, swords, outfits, tools, devices, and whatnot used in any war in human history, paintings and documents signed by celebrities, and other insignificant things that few of us give a damn about. I'm sorry, that's not enough for you?! Well, as an additional bonus, some of these items get analyzed by an expert, with each subject matter having a different one (an expert on weaponry, an expert on documents, etc.). If the item has value, the customer and the employee initiate a negotiation for a reasonable price. Yeah, isn't that just captivating to watch?! I'm sure a normal businessman would want to turn on the television specifically to see that every night! Okay, that's enough sarcasm for one review. But seriously, who thought that a show about a pawn shop was a good idea for entertainment? Obviously, the History Channel was desperate for a reason to exist for 80% of people who watch television. So they shrugged and decided to give "Pawn Stars" a shot since they had nothing else of interest on their channel. The fact that this is now arguably the most popular show on that channel next to "American Pickers" only confirms why I avoid the History Channel. To this show's credit, it has more entertainment value than "American Pickers". On a rare occasion, a few of the items and exchanges between the customers and the employees interest me a little bit. But even then, does it really warrant a half hour time slot on a TV channel more so than a five minute YouTube video? If you enjoy learning about little details regarding big wars in human history and are into this type of television, more power to you. If you aren't into this stuff like me, then "Pawn Stars" is a total bore fest. I felt like I was going to school.
    jaggersden That the timing is way off suggest quite a lot. First of all I really have doubts that the "Old Man" opened up the store 60 years prior to your writing.This would make him about thirteen years old when he opened the store with twenty years in the US Navy under his belt first. Or perhaps he has just aged a lot since he got out of the Navy.From what I gathered, from a commentary he made in one of the shows, I got the feeling that "Rick" came along when he had established the business for about four years. I believe that the "Old Man" is about 74 or getting close to it.Making a stab at the shops age, I would say it was established+/- thirty five years ago, no where near sixty.
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