Beverly Hills Pawn
Beverly Hills Pawn
TV-PG | 06 May 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Executscan Expected more
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
    intrepidami ..."I recently was researching Bruce Lee's autograph" That is such a far out there statement, it was ridiculous! Then she started tossing out all this other rehearsed and studied knowledge, because the whole bit was planned and staged.The really funny thing is they did another rehearsed bit having her fall over in heels while cleaning just before this. Showing how stupid she is, and then suddenly she's an autograph And wow, nobody could forge and print up a certificate of authenticity, could they? Especially Chinese dealers! I'm not saying the piece wasn't authentic, but it being authentic, was the only authentic part of that whole poorly acted transaction. You walk into that shop with some piece of art and the same certificate, and see if they don't DOUBLE Check the authenticity, themselves. (by calling in an expert, to make sure.) And then the clincher, the next deal has another girl saying she just happened to do extensive research on that item! Why he's got a whole crew of lovely Sotheby level experts, how lucky can you get! Bullocks, total bullocks!
    mikey_editor I love it when Yossi says these are friends of his. All the sellers are those who answered casting calls to "sell" items Yossi already had. They may well be acquaintances. It makes the deal making pale, though, as it is all set up. It makes the experts brought in look good because they have obviously appraised the items long before They had one cringe-worthy scene already wherein the"girls all stole hings and wore them to work the next, Hahahaha As for the cast, the blonde bimbo is an actress acting dumb. She is an accomplished performer, writer, singer and producer This is just her latest gig. The taller bimbo has no attractiveness unless you like hair-loss foreheads, Each are impossibly made up, with too tight skirts unless they are selling massages on the side This is not the Kardashians or even staged people from Alaska , It is a fine half-hour escape showing stuff really on the market in Beverly Hills. I like it.
    jontyboy345 This maybe the most unrealistic reality show on TV. However in a strange way- it works. The staff are actresses- Yossi's good friends are actresses/actors- the items are nearly all movie/music stuff or jewelry but who cares? Its totally set up and scripted - the shop is always empty when there is a deal- the 'sellers' are actually mainly people who applied to be on the show from a casting call who required actors (search online for it - its still there). But with all that said it is a good show. Its a little 'blingy' and 'plasticy' for some but the items are generally interesting and not all guns and junk like in Pawn Stars. Not much chance of a fight in this store- so if your after shouting and swearing watch the totally fake Hardcore Pawn. If you want your Pawn shop to be tasteful and OTT- this is the show for you. One last point- Cory may not beat Aria in a beauty contest but when it comes to personality she is way ahead. Its a good lesson for shallow men that you should choose personality over looks! Having said that they are both hot.....
    F R Tremendous show. Lots of energy and fun. Each one of the principals is great. Interesting to hear Dominique talk about jewelry, she seems to know tons about it and the history behind it. That's a great moment when she tells the lady her ring is worth $110K. Yossi's and her analysis of the nearly canary diamond and its setting on the beach, incredible.I've never been interested in a "pawn shop" show, but I am hooked!I will say that I hope the episodes are essentially real. I know that some other pawn shows are scripted.Thank you.