Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
TV-14 | 30 December 2000 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
    lux-67958 Aqua Teen Hunger Force is one of the best and funnest show's I have ever seen and watch. The characters Master Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad are hella funny, with Shake being a demanding smart ass, Frylock being the brains and buzzkill, and Meatwad being the lovable idiot. Carl the next door neighbor is a sporty, fat, and desperate funny character. With hundreds of lovable and funny characters that are unique and awesome (Err, Ignigknot, MC Pee Pants, Rabbot, Oglethorpe, Emory, etc.). The show's content is not that bad unless you are OK with the F word said sometimes and sex references and content. It animates in real blood and guts and looks real and funny. I think that anyone from ages 12-50 would love this show and fall in love with its funny, creative, and unique writing and characters. You can also watch every episode for free on Hulu, so don't waste your money for it on Amazon.
    MorriganCarr if you don't watch this show you be no good nodoogdooog STILL reeling from a double blow received this week at the hands of legislators on both sides of the Atlantic, the Catholic Church has hit back, claiming "hostility towards religion". The first blow came when the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an "anti-Catholic" resolution by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, condemning the Vatican's interference in the city's affairs. The resolution – adopted on March 21, 2006 – was a response by the Board to orders issued by the Vatican instructing Catholic charities to break the law and treat prospective adoptive parents on a discriminatory basis according to whether or not the couples were heterosexual or homosexual. doog
    Mr. Neutron I've watched this show dozens of times by now (for a lack of anything else to watch) and not once have I laughed. Hell, not once have I been entertained! The show has no plot or direction, but that's the point, isn't it? What you're left with then, are low-brau, intelligence-insulting jokes and random one-shot characters. This show is a lot like experimental music, in a way. You feel clever for liking it just because it defies convention. It could be a work of art, but it could just as well be a lazily thrown-together piece of crap. The latter seems to be the case here. But the bottom line is: this is one of the driest shows I've ever seen. I watch it again and again just trying to "get" what's so great about this show. Nope.
    Kaleb Cooper Aqua Teen Hunger Force is without a doubt THE best animated show i have ever seen. It is well drawn, well acted and best of all, it's hilarious. The central plot can sometimes be obscure or even missing but the overall degree of humor and antics make up for it. The shows main plot revolves around a handful of characters. Meatwad is the simple minded, child-like one of the few who is constantly abused by Master Shake, much to the dismay of frylock. Shake is the Manipulating, self-centered one who own personal goal is for himself. He is constantly seen abusing meatwad and throwing things such as chairs or phones which for some reason always bursts into flames. Frylock is the intelligent one of the few who always figures out a way to get the latter out of trouble. Carl is the lazy next door neighbor of the ATHF who hates them. If you are a fan of adult swim shows, this one will have you hooked, 10/10.