The Millionaire Matchmaker
The Millionaire Matchmaker
TV-14 | 22 January 2008 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    matrixmistro I use go watch this a lot because I was curious about how the relationship would go and then it occurred to me this show is degrading. You have a woman that claim to know everything about relationships and hooking people up but I never really experienced relationships that really worked long term. More importantly I can't think of anything easier from a business point of view than trying to hook up a bunch of, what I can only describe as bimbos or gold diggers, to a millionaire. Of course, the answer is always yes and every show is about a bunch of women in short mini skirts trying to hook up with men with money or desperate men after wealthy women. Most of the time the millionaire is also just after a bit of fun and after someone half their age. How on earth this matchmaker can think she is so good at hooking people up, I have no idea. It's more like a high class escort service than a dating business.
    Just-Being-Me This review is not meant to offend anyone, it is just how i felt about the show and yes some people will like it but it isn't for me... everyone is entitled to their opinion.Well i saw this on TV the other day when i was up very early in the morning, nothing else was on, i don't usually watch shows like this but i thought "hey, nothing else on, lets give it a try"... it is an hour i will never get back. I can't really judge too much as like i said i have only seen it once so ill just say what i thought about that one time i saw it... Well i personally didn't know why or how it had got onto the TV. I mean every man had to be rich and every woman had to look like Barbie gone wrong. The show didn't seem to help people get a boyfriend/girlfriend at all.The host confuses me so much as the one i watched the other day showed a woman going on a date with a guy that surprisingly seemed sweet and caring... all through the date he tried making conversation etc and then he asked for a kiss and he gave her a "peck" on the lips, i thought this was sweet, the right thing to do on a first date (makes you seem like a gentleman)... but no... when he went into the host's office and told her he gave her a "peck" on the lips, she went overboard... because apparently according to the host.. he should have stuck his tongue down her throat... now i don't know about other women but for me if a man did that when i had just met him, it would have put me right off.The host makes out she is all successful etc and makes out she knows it all, better than everyone else, she knows best etc but really she knows nothing, she makes the girls act cheap and tries making the men act sleazy. The host is so gobby that no one can get a word in, it is all about what the host wants... and she is a "matchmaker" yet on the show i watched she said she was single... a single person would be the last person anyone should take relationship advice off in my opinion.I personally think this show should be banned from TV as it helps no one... this is my opinion from that one show, i can't imagine the others being different.I only rated it 1 because you can't rate lower.
    Firehairedviking-652-538289 I accidentally saw 5 minutes of this and it's honestly the most disgusting TV I've ever seen. In the 5 minutes we see a millionaire guy who honestly acts like a disgusting pervo creep looking for the dumbest and blondest woman he can find. Then he gets upset when after one date it turns out she is dating another guy. How dare she? We see another millionaire guy at the age of 51 looking at women under 25 and rejecting one for being "too old". Then he gets upset that a woman he was semi-interesting in has children. Gasp, how dare she? We see a long line of dim witted, personality free blondes being portrayed as "the woman ideal". We see the host (?) a cheeto-coloured, duck faced woman throw a hysteric hissy fit at the ONE woman who shows even a tiny bit of personality and scream filth and hate at her for being a redhead. Disgusting TV.
    lambiepie-2 The Millionaire Matchmaker - well - its a title that has many possibilities for a development for a TV series, a movie of the week - even a feature film cast with endearing "girl-next-door" types trying to find a mate who they later find out really a millionaire! But this tripe is none of that, don't be fooled. It is teetering on the borderline of things we've seen other women in the past few decades go to jail for - just because this woman has a TV show, and an office and employees to whom she "sends out to find the right kinda gal" on the streets (oh, boggles the mind!) what makes her any different? That's a question you'll have watching this program.The Millionaire Matchmaker takes us through the "business" of a woman who is a "headhunter for love" -- for millionaires. "Headhunter for Love??!?" Even that phrase makes me wanna shout "Objection! Cause for Speculation!" Even if you keep an open mind, you'd think that this would be endearing, interesting -- exciting. Instead it is turning out to be boring, unbelievable and very close to --- disgusting. Where the disgust? The dating? No. The Courtship? What courtship - that would be a show. Sex? Oh yes, this show is about sex and sexuality for "millionaires" who "can't find anyone" and go to this woman to help them. The matchmakers advice to both client and millionaire: "Don't have sex for 3 months" The client's and Millionaire's response, "Okay, sure" Yeah, right!What bothers me the most wasn't even about the sex and sexuality. We're all human beings and that does play into attraction. But what got to me that with every show I saw so far the dialog was like this:Matchmaker: "What kind of woman are you looking for?" Millionaire: "Oh, I dunno. Good looking, nice, in shape." Matchmaker: "Are you looking for a long term relationship? Marriage -Kids?" Millionaire: "Sure - Okay. Maybe"Are you telling me.... that a man with oodles of money, jets, first class tickets on airlines, businesses, et al -- cannot FIND this kind of woman anywhere in the world and HAS to go to this matchmaker?!?! Heck even Bill Gates, one of the shyest billionaires in the world, knew how to find a wonderful mate without THIS kind of woman. That's what makes this show utterly unbelievable. We KNOW what HE is looking for and we KNOW what the women they brought in are looking for and We KNOW what this matchmaker gets for doing this. Add this all up - and lets be honest: Xaviera Hollander, Sydney Biddle Barrows and Heidi Lynne Fleiss together SHOULD be offered a show on Bravo to show this woman exactly what she is doing and why most viewers can see though it.Goshawful show. No bravo here for BRAVO network.