Dr. 90210
Dr. 90210
TV-14 | 11 July 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
    ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
    veganvenus For every hour of programming, you have 40 minutes of the banal home life of the doctor, 15 minutes of establishing shots, and 5 minutes of actual content. I zipped through a whole season in about two hours, and I could have done it in less.Do you remember the episode of Friends where Monica put Phoebe in charge of cups? And Phoebe went nuts making everything out of cups? Well, I think they told some film student he could do the transitions and establishing scenes, and in an attempt at seizing the spotlight he produced a ridiculous amount of them. Between each scene is 5 minutes of storefronts and the same damn statue over and over again with the occasional fancy wipe. This is beyond tedious.Yet that seems interesting in comparison to the home scenes. Thrill while the wife discusses a remodel! Sit on the edge of your seat when the doctor is late for Tae Kwon Do! Absorb yourself in the 70th identical discussion about how much time he spends with his family! You get the picture. I don't know why anyone would sit through this part of the show. They are uninteresting people leading uninteresting lives.When you finally get to the surgery, there are some pretty good parts. They had an expert discuss the cultural reason an anonymous Muslim woman is getting a hymen restoration. There are plenty of patients with botched surgeries and the innovative techniques the doctors use to fix them (it's more difficult than a regular procedure). You also get to see how people come to obsess over their perceived imperfections, how models/actresses can't get work when they're beautiful but flawed, and the tremendous relief of fixing a physical deformity that has haunted the patient for years.
    prettylady89147 This time I have to agree with the anorexic wife! She rarely has opinion that makes any sense and is the biggest winer on earth. Keep that up Haley and your husband will avoid coming home at all. As far as Robert visiting his dying father, you have to be a father first which this man obviously never was and never will be! Come to terms with it Robert that man has already been dead 20 yrs as far as your life is concerned. I think it's more about Robert's ego to prove a point to the father that he has made it BIG in his life. Just because this man impregnated your mother 20 plus yrs ago doesn't make him a father. Now that you have money and fame the man is finally acknowledging you! Don't let the guilt catch up with you, after all it never caught up with your father in the past. Good controversy for ratings though, have to pay for the big house some how!!! Oh, and Robert who ever is putting those highlights in your hair should be shot. Get over you
    Sandra Stakenburg I really enjoy watching the show. Especially Dr. Ray. He is so handsome and so sweet. I think he doesn't treat his patients like patients, but more like friends. I wish he was working here, so I could pay him a visit. It seems like he would give you an honest advice on any surgery you would like to do. I also saw the show when he drove to Mexico to help the people. This was a real emotional show. It made you see another side of him. He is just a wonderful person. You can also see that he is a real family man, loves his wife and children. But he is just to busy with work, to fully enjoy their company. I think that his wife does understand that he has a busy schedule at the clinic, but still she would prefer to spend more time with him (who wouldn't??). But it seems that he does find time to do his martial arts. This is excellent. After spending a whole day operating on people or at his office, it is a good thing to relax like this. And it keeps him in shape also. Just imagine having a plastic surgeon who does not look good. He wouldn't have any patients ! He just turned 45 years, but he looks like 30. Isn't that fantastic ?
    zion-hill I love watching "Dr 90210" each and every episode...except for "Haley Rey"........ Haley looks "sick" all the time. I think she want to be a "Trophy Wife" instead of helping Robert achieve his karate belts...... ....(smile) Can you give us more episodes with just Dr. Rey..........I am a "BIG" fan of his. Also, what happen to the two doctors featured in the very first two episodes??? I believe they were also located in Beverly Hills....Will there be more episodes with the doctor that just got married to another doctor. How long has Dr Li been practicing? Will there be a wedding for the two brothers that are sharing the practice. There was a hint in last night's episode..
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