TV-14 | 24 June 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
    psa-78917 She doesn't need to make claims that would scare a mother into not have a C-Section. She stated that the Doctor cut her forehead twice.The Doctors ask her about to make sure they were clear about it,and confirmed her statement. Just google honey boo boo's baby pictures there is one of her at 6 weeks. I ask you does this babies forehead look like it was cut twice at birth.She must think that we are as stupid as her and her family are.Don't get me wrong I enjoy the show Botched by Nature is a very good thing.I love it that they are making peoples lives better in a world that is so judgmental about looks. thanks guys.
    angelyne-20149 I just love this show. It doesn't feel fake like so much reality TV does. The doctors are truly caring individuals, you can't fake that, they aren't actors. Dr. Nassif has more than once gotten all misty eyed. They love what they do and they love helping people and they take great pride in their work.Sure the format is a little repetitive, but that's just the way the show is put together. It's too bad they can't show anything on-screen but it doesn't bother me. It's the stories that are interesting, the before and after, and the ways people's lives are transformed. Sure some of the people are a bit shallow, but hey, this is a show about plastic surgery, it's to be expected. Some of them really deserve the help they receive.I also like how the doctors are very responsible. They turn away people who they think are not good candidates. "First do no harm". So many doctors seem to have forgotten their oath. More than a few plastic-surgery addicted people have tried to apply. If they were botched, they got help. If they just wanted to indulge their addiction, they got turned away with a warning. Few of them took the warning seriously and most vowed to get their chosen surgery anyway, but a few listened.
    rachyxx72 I absolutely LURVE this show! Not only is it 'interesting' to see how people like to change there 'Look'by Cosmetic Surgery. Which unfortunately has gone wrong, or was just totally Botched up by the Surgeon! Which in itself is VERY frightening, as you put your life, (your appearance), in their hands! And PAY for it too both financially and emotionally, besides your initial, whole body/face outlook! These Guys, (Surgeons) on 'Botched' are like Guardian Angels to these people! Their prayers have been answered, and their 'Looks' are re-vamped, re- vitalised, back to an appearance that is 'Brilliant' and 'Beautiful' to the naked eye! And they do it for free, I mean just how sincere is that! These guys deserve a medal! I PRAY everyday that I get to meet these guys and put my face/Body, in their hands! I was born 'Botched', an un- genetic Throwback. An un-lucky tadpole that shouldn't of got through..I can't afford surgery, if I could I would of been having surgery when I was 18! I'm 42yrs old now, and have lived,(living)a life of HELL. I've been beaten and divorced and my looks have suffered due to these horrific beatings. Including a broken jaw, loss of most teeth and face scars.The List goes on..I live a lonely, isolated life. I hide and lock myself away from friends and the public, as I'm constantly depressed, and refuse myself the right to be loved. As I hate how old I look, and the way I look,for my 42yrs of age,I look about 58 to 60yrs old! And that's NO joke. These guys are the ONLY answer to MY prayers, as nobody I know or who I've come across does the surgery for NO fee! BUT most of all and the best feeling ever about these guys doing the surgery would be the fact that they do it with a caring, TRULY compassionate, personal feeling of, WANTING you as a patient to be made and repaired to your inner beauty to shine through on completion of surgery. The guys REALLY want you to look good and feel absolutely beautiful!! Paul M, would be the BESTEST surgeon ever to re-construct my facial flaws and his accomplice on my breasts as they both have different areas of excellence in cosmetic surgery! There like 'Gods' to me, and I guess ALL there past clients would certainly, agree!! Jusrt WATCH the SHOW guys and see for yourself the work they do on these clients, the general public, Botched up surgery, is totally amazing. Rejuvenation in there hands.....
    ktigglet-67-217338 We watched a "cancer survivor" get her breast fixed. I am sorry I I heard was Breast were and are soooooooo important to her that she could not wait to get a boob job at 5. Really was anyone touched by her story....what story she feels boobs make her and she wants her sexy back. Well I do have cancer. I can not have an implant due to my cancer I went through 16 rounds of chemo and 37 rounds of radiation. I want to stay alive! Not have a new booby. This was a sad example of a breast cancer fighter and survivor. All I heard she had a mastectomy.......any other treatment. By the way if you have that many cyst in your boob, you really should not be getting an implant..