Total Bellas
Total Bellas
TV-14 | 05 October 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    wifeofdenver This season was a real let down, it was focused more on brie and daniel then nikki and john. After seeing episodes with the issues between nikki and john I will Never watch again.
    Kenneth Moore I was at my girlfriend's parents' house, and her family had this show on. I wanted to shoot myself the entire time. I've never seen such superficial characters talk about their boring lives. To be fair, I've never been one for reality TV. I've always found it to be fake and boring. This show, however, takes fake and boring to the next level. I couldn't get myself to care about anything on the screen for even half of a second. The only thing faker than WWE wrestling is this show.
    tommyhotty I just finished watching the finale and I'll be honest, I a 32 bearded man got a bit emotional watching the last episode. I've been following wrestling since I can remember so a show where you get to glimpse of what happens backstage at an event is awesome. Yes you can tell when things are made up for the camera, but not this last one. The proposal and the birth you get to see them at their rawest. You can tell Nicky was so happy and emotional after John proposed and John too after you could tell he really loves Nicky. So for that being happy nest I can't wait for the next season.
    NotASpookyGhost If you love Brie & Nikki Bella, you will love this show. The ladies are so interesting in what they have in common and then how they are completely different in other ways. We get to see how Nikki deals with what is essentially a long distance relationship with John, while Brie navigates a simple married life with Bryan and now the birth of their first child. My one and only problem with this show is their brother. Look, I get it. He's their brother and they want to involve him. But he's terrible. If he's playing a character - stop. If the way he speaks to and treats his sisters, wife and mother are even remotely close to how he does off-camera, then he needs to take a good hard look at himself. He's constantly shaming Nikki for how she dresses. He once told her she looked like a prostitute! That is not right and I wish she'd stand up for herself. He told his wife and his mother, both, to shut up. He's seemingly got no respect at all for the women in his life and he's raising a daughter. None of his bad behaviour is checked, meanwhile Brie and Nikki are constantly saying sorry when they know they went too far in an argument.Bottom line is, there is enough going on with Nikki and Brie that we don't need separate stories with him. He should be in the background at family stuff, not the focus of any story line. Please, if there's a third season, no JJ story lines!!!