Dirty Jobs
Dirty Jobs
| 26 July 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Ehirerapp Waste of time
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Ray Cruddas You've arrived Dirty Jobs. As imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. NBC has announced that it has a new show in its fall lineup (probably starting in January though)and "America's Toughest Jobs" is set to go. Yep, Imitation. Everybody does it, some do it well, but I'm surprised it took this long. Mike Rowe and the boys have got nothing to worry about. Unless they copied the entire show and not the concept, it will be a badly scripted, heavily edited, poorly acted knock-off. Did I mention that Joe Rogan is the host. "This" just screams for Joe (unless he's to busy with the UFC hosting gig, but it can't pay "that" well) so we'll have to wait and see won't we. Jeez, the producers of Dirty Jobs, have been asking viewers for ideas for a while now. I wonder, which ones will these guys copy? Remember that even at a great price (cheap) a knock off is a knockoff whether a Gucci Bag, a Rolex watch or the Best Damn Show on TV.
    peel_karen Seldom are there really reality shows that deserve being watched but this is one of the rare ones. For the simple reason that it's smart and witty. It doesn't go into a personal drone and the host (Mike Rowe) actually isn't afraid nor does he complain about the work situations he gets into. Plus he really brings up humor in the worst situations. While paying a good homage to the workers profiled. And the work he has to due gets him right into what can be truly called dirty jobs. The wit of the show raises it above "Fear Factor" and the willingness to work attitude sets it apart from "Survivor". A great show to watch. Note: It does contain a language warning.
    grewelgrewel This is a very entertaining documentary series i have been watching since it first started, love all the episodes, very funny show as well The host is a very interesting guy, adds a lot of fun to the experience of watching the show, watching him work at a dirty job (pig farm, solid waste treatment plant, etc) and its really amazing how dirty some jobs are, really makes u appreciate the job u got, because your thankful your job ain't as nasty as some of these jobs :) Dirty Jobs teaches a lot as well, very educational, seeing all the dirty parts of society that are necessary for our comfortable existence definitely a good show to watch for all u docu fans though, lets hope it stays on the air for a long while, because TV networks have a habit of canceling good shows before their time, and these people that work these dirty jobs deserve recognition for the jobs they do
    Andrew (morbid_Visions) The Discovery Channel started to take a turn for the better when they added "Mythbusters" to their TV schedule. It seems, however, that they aren't done there. With "Dirty Jobs" they have another winner on their hands. Host Mike Rowe has excellent comedic timing and brings such a great atmosphere to each dirty job he encounters. On the negative side (and it's not really "negative") some of the jobs Mike attends aren't that dirty. They should've named the show, "Jobs The Majority of Us Don't Want to Do" but since most of the jobs are really dirty, "Dirty Jobs" fits the bill quite nicely.My only really worry is that he'll run of out of jobs to attend. It's really neat to see the people behind these careers and how every little thing works. The chick hatchery was especially interesting and equally funny.I really hope this show stays on for a good while and can get a following like "Mythbusters". I'll end this review with a comment from another IMDb user who had to defend the host, Mike Rowe, because some others unjustly labeled Mike as "annoying" because Mike brings humor to these jobs instead of blinding acceptance and joy for the work:User: mrp- Comment: "if he liked the jobs it wouldn't be funny hes supposed to represent the average person who's watching the show, someone who works at walmart or behind a desk, not walking with (stuff) up to their knees down in the sewer he makes it funny, hes not an employee hes a TV show host and the workers who teach him the jobs know this and I'm sure they don't get annoyed with him because of this i wouldn't watch this show if he enjoyed all the dirty jobs "