Red Eye w/Greg Gutfeld
Red Eye w/Greg Gutfeld
| 06 February 2007 (USA)
  • 2
  • Reviews
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Executscan Expected more
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
    benbo-3 Just saw the last show - sad. Tho it did go downhill after Greg left, it was still funny & watchable. I need my midnite fix - thru the week, no matter what else, if I was home at midnite, it was time for RedEye. Does any1 have, or know where to get, downloads, dvds, anything, of these shows? Especially the 1st few years, but I'd take it up thru when Greg left (2015?), so that's a good few years. I wish I'd thought to archive the good shows, but if i thought of it some1 else must have - any1 got a line on where to get the shows, from the beginning til 2015? There are clips on Youtube & Dailymotion, but most are low-res and incomplete. I'd take complete shows even with commercials. The comments section is disabled, but hopefully some1 will see this here. Also, I checked on rottentomatoes and there is no comment section for Redeye (crazy, I know) - what site has taken the place of the IMDb comments section?
    lju3 This show has suffered greatly from the absence of Bill Schulz. While I used to watch at least three times per week, I now catch it perhaps once. The greatest reason for this is that Schultz was the comedic heart of the show, while Levy was the brains and Gutfeld the glue that held it together. With the new format, it is simply not as funny. While I do enjoy the addition of Joanne Nosuchinsky, she would be better as an occasional guest. She does have insights sometimes, and is certainly quite beautiful, but I don't think she adds much to the show as a whole. Also, Levy's humor and intellect just doesn't shine through as well as it did before--perhaps as a result of him having to comment on everything, rather than being able to pick and choose some choice words for whatever they're covering.Whatever they have to pay him, bring back Schulz!
    mm-39 I do not mind political satire. Too much satire makes me lose focus on a show. I will watch Red eye when a topic is interesting, but the show dilutes into more satire then substance. (Then I stop watching the show.) Red Eye varies on the quality of the show depending on which people are on the panel/talk show. Red Eye is a round table political sharing circle which the participants create a synergy off of each others comments. Red Eye is not for everyone. I bet the people who watch Red Eye love it. For myself, I am more of a fan of the Five a more serious version of the Red Eye Genre. I like Greg who, in my opinion, is a creative genius. Sometime I agree with him other time not, which is what make Greg great.
    clotblaster I have been watching since approximately April 2010. It is an hilarious show, most of the time, hosted by Greg Gutfield (witty and quick-witted) Though to be fair some shows are much better than others--often due to topics (usually news of the day topics), interaction of guests and the selection of guests themselves. Variety of guests is impressive: Pat Cadell, Hucakabee (3 times). Bill Kristol--once I believe and other very serious types. Show has Ann Coulter as regular guest.Comedians make up a lot of guests, usually at least one a night. Comedians Jim Norton and Amy Schumer(sp?) are outstanding, while some are inconsistent. Frequent guest comedy guy Paul Mercurio should be dispensed with. Must be friend of Greg's because he's ruined more shows with his often witless humor and his monopolizing of banter. Bill Schultz moderate liberal is Greg's "repulsive sidekick" and is regular on show along with T.V's Andy Levy--both are consistently funny and often insightful. Gutfield himself has ego problems--since I started watching 9 months ago,(I watch every day), Greg has increased his air time significantly. For ex., he used to let Levy just do his hilarious "half-time report" with minimal intrusion. Now he is part of every report. He also has increasingly interrupted guests unnecessarily and seems to think he always needs to have the last word on many topics.Schultz is main politically incorrect element of show--unseriously depicted as homeless, drug addled, transgender, gay and all-around crazy fella. He and Levy work the best on a consistent basis. Show uses toilet humor in a way that works (not like Judd Apatow and his pals). Guests vary (see above) but female guests are very inconsistent--Lauren Savan is always good and good to look at. Amy Schumer also hits home runs. Diana Valzone (hot, very hot) is usually good, but other female guests such as Remi Spencer, S.E. Cupp, Imogen Lloyd Webber, and Coulter are sometimes good and sometimes bad. Brook Goldstein, as do other female guests (much more than male), takes herself too seriously. Lately, she has been grating and should be booted from show permanently.Anyway, show is unlike any on t.v. Truly great satire from conservative viewpoint usually and good selection of topics and usually good guests make this the most amazing and attractive talk show on t.v. Bill Maher and Jon Stewart would kill to have the comic/off the wall elements and quality of this excellent show.