Long Way Round
Long Way Round
TV-MA | 18 October 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
    cccjerkycompany Don't you hate it when you want to go on an adventure with you really good male friend and your celebrity gets in the way? All that camera, bike riding, marshal arts, life saving training almost seems unimportant considering that everyone knew they were coming. Don't break your free gear! Oh bother (I'm trying to speak British), I have to stay at someone's house instead of (fake)camping. Woe is me (on a roll), the police are escorting us through this town and traffic... I just want to have a peaceful, zen-like experience and do it like a big boy!I won't go on but I hope some of you get the gist. Oh, one spoiler alert - Ewan is so brave he shows his pimple on camera. What a real guy!
    mcrawfor-147-753684 I loved Long Way Round for MANY reasons. But possibly the most compelling element, surprisingly, had little to do with travel... it is the genuine affection and friendship shared by these two guys. I've had many good friends during my wonderful life... but nothing like what these two have. They truly care about each other and have a fantastic time hanging out, and giving each other hell, of course.The video diaries were exceptionally good - they dealt with feelings of insecurity, depression, irritation, worry, fear, and fatigue. I watched many scenes twice and destroyed an entire weekend watching the whole series non stop.
    raymond-15 First of all I thought I was going to see two bikies make a long and dangerous journey on their motor bikes from the U.K. to New York. I soon realized of course they had a back up team who followed them and helped them when the journey got too tough.I got the impression that Charlie Boorman and Ewan McGregor whilst being motor bike enthusiasts did not know a lot about the engineering aspects and relied on others to help them in distress.Some of the roads encountered were no more than tracks with deep pot holes filled with water. There were numerous rivers to be crossed, so many in fact one wonders how well researched their journey was in the early preparation of the long trip.The cameraman who rides the third bike is rarely seen because the documentary is about Charlie and Ewan.The warm relationship between Charlie and Ewan is felt throughout the film and the love they had for their wives and children was forever in their thoughts as they journeyed through lands which seemed devoid of people. Occasionally though they did meet families who opened their homes to them and gave them a comfortable bed for the night. Ewan remarked on the friendliness of every stranger implying that we human beings are really the same the world over despite our different languages and physical features. Food differences can be a problem at times and one can gag at even the thought of it.The journey is very long and no more than a minute can be devoted to some of the interesting places they visited. The film is divided into 10 episodes with a large proportion of the time spent in Mongolia. The Road of Bones over which our bikies travelled snakes its way for many miles and remains as a memoriam to the millions who died while constructing it and there bodies interred where they fell.When I set out to watch the 3 DVDs I thought I might find them a bit repetitive and may be boring, but it proved to be otherwise. The more I watched the more interested I became and I felt a little disappointed when their journey ended. It was really good sharing their trip in the comfort of my lounge chair and to hear their cries of "We made it! We made it!" mixed with a few tears when they reached the end of their journey.
    twday-1 When I reserved this series on Netflix, I had no idea who Ewan McGregor was and, still, barely know anything about Borman. Since, I've watched a couple of McGregor films and have forgiven him for the Star Bores outings.Some viewers, pretending to be "real motorcyclists," have panned this program because of the "support" McGregor and Borman managed to provide for themselves from manufacturers and a small production team. One goofy character called this team "massive," which must run him out of adjectives when he has to describe a concert crowd or a rush hour bus. The actual team was small, compared to the task they set out for themselves. A couple of technical folks, a producer who managed some of the boarder and transportation logistics, and a constantly whining Russian doctor/nurse in a pair of cages that rarely managed to be at the right place at the right time. The three bikers, including a bike-mounted cameraman, managed to get themselves from one end of the world to the other with minimal assistance from their "massive team." If you've ever attempted anything long-distance on a motorcycle, you know what kind of accomplishment this was. If you've ridden a street bike, which the BMW GS bikes are, offroad, you have to be impressed with this achievement. If you're an idiot, you burn up your trustfund and pay for your trips yourself. If you have a clue, you turn your vacations into a production and get vendors to kick in a little assistance. Anyone whining that these guys weren't self-funded fools is just jealous because he didn't have the talent required to get help for his last vacation.Part of the charm of the program is the unpreparedness of the two primary characters. They weren't serious, or skilled, off road riders, neither were competent mechanics, but both are motorcyclists in the best sense of the word. I'm sure that the scale of the intended production added some motivation to finish the trip, but it still took incredible perseverance to travel from London to New York, the Long Way Round.Not only did I enjoy this program, I bought it and have watched it several times. It has also inspired me to make my own mini-backroad tour to Alaska this spring.