Long Way Down
Long Way Down
| 28 October 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
    Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    mharlyn-merritt I was so stoked to see that Charley and Ewan decided to embark on another bike journey together. Africa was a revelation and a visual smörgåsbord. I enjoyed their reactions and the tensions that emerged and subsided, which gave us access to their humanity. Including more of the support crew added dimension, although I do agree that Claudio should have been given more play. Enjoyed the pre-trek prep. Could have done with less griping about time pressure. Thought it was a bad decision to make this a plot point because there were so many other interesting suspenseful things. Really thought the energy and focus dropped off when Eve Mcgregor joined the trip. She added nothing. I felt there was some hidden agenda going on that had nothing to do with the spirit of the adventure. I agree with a previous post that said if she wanted to participate more in her husband's recreational passions she should have done that off camera. As a viewer I somehow felt used by her insinuating herself into the situation. It was like inviting yourself to a rock concert with your son and his friends, or showing up at rehearsal wanting to be part of their band. Hope she does not tag along on the next one.
    crocelover I actually saw this series before I watched, Long Way Round. I was not disappointed in the least. I was amazed by so many things in this program: the beauty of Africa, the struggles of the people, their openness, the wonderful friendship between Charlie, Ewan and the crew. I loved seeing how completely humble, caring and super funny Charlie and Ewan were especially. What an excellent example of a strong and lasting friendship. I admire their courage and sense of adventure.I thought Eve, (Ewan's wife) joining them for part of the trip was brilliant! To the nay sayers, I say, look at her courage in learning to ride a bike, her dedication and her obvious love and appreciation for her husband. She was an appreciated addition; being friendly with all, and making an effort to keep herself in the background so as to give Charlie and Ewan their adventure time. Why would anyone complain about a wife wanting to join her husband in an epic adventure? Besides, Eve is truly lovely! I highly recommend BOTH series. It's a wild ride of fun, learning and laughter.
    tinyone2 I absolutely loved Long Way Round. It was an adventure with 2 lads that inspired and intrigued.So when this documentary was aired, I was excited to see the next leg of the adventure. But the first episode was pretty much like Long Way Round. Same issues, same struggles, same everything really. A tad boring.Then they head off to Africa. A place I was looking forward to explore with them. Unfortunately they were constantly rushing and talking about time. Africa is soooo not about time. Besides, I was hoping to watch this without being reminded of the pressures of my day job. Instead the constant issues about time was exhausting to watch. I didn't want to watch endurance, I wanted to watch adventure.Then Ewan decided to take his wife along. Yawn!! What a buzz kill. She looks lovely and it is wonderful he wanted to share it with her. But that is a poor entertainment decision, as she was bland and boring and overbearing. Absolutely killed it for me. He shouldve taken her on a different trip on his own time. Ewan also winged constantly, complaining and moaning. Africa is not for the faint hearted and surely he shouldve known that. Not to mention, if I wanted to hear some one whine Id go back to work instead of trying to relax in front of the telly listening to his complaining.He also seemed more aware of the camera and playing up for the camera than the first. This felt like a more calculated money making scheme than 2 mates wanting to ride bikes. It felt fake and forced.Honestly, this one was a huge disappointment for me. A heavy painful experience that I wish I didn't see.
    royzkeano Watched the whole of LWD on Love film after catching most of it on the TV. I was just left mildly interested, but ultimately uninspired. I still can't quite put my finger on it, other than say to LWD just didn't deliver.The reasons for this I feel are 1. Six episodes, as opposed to 10 on the extended LWR DVD. So felt rushed, someone said they went though three countries in one hr on one of the episodes? The guy's said they didn't want to be away from their family's for an extended period of time- no problem with this but the schedule compromised the quality of the show. A lot of moaning in particular.2. Support crew were a main character as much as Charley & Ewan- this of course completely understandable in Africa where they were often in unstable territory, so need to stick together, but from an exploration/enjoyment point of view made it a less appealing show.3. Ewan's wife, Eve, being a part of the trip- just didn't understand why they allowed a rider with virtually no experience to ride in a really tough environment- also no explanation of when she passed her bike test, we see her doing her CBT & then nothing? It was quite clear that Charley was not in favour, although he cover this well, so as not to upset Ewan. I think most of the crew, other than David Alexanian were think the same thing.4. Lack of detail- LWR seemed to cover a lot more & seemed more "from scratch" whereas LWD was more corparate & rushed. I don't think the audience cared so much for the characters & where didn't seem t be in so many compromising situations.I watched Race-to-Dakar as well. Also read the book, and found that more interesting, though not enough to buy it.LWD did have some good points in it though. Seeing the ferry from Italy to Tunisia, as described in Ted Simon's Juniper's travels was great; seeing how different counties dealt with not having medical care- as we know it; the great work that Unicef do & the history of the conflict that went on- & is still going on in Darfur.Love watching these guys & hope they take more care with Long Way Up!