NR | 28 August 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
    FlindersRanger As a parent, I see bits of the raising of my own children - and now my grandchildren! - in this terrific show. The fact it's partly improvised, lend heaps of cred to this great comedy. As an Aussie, I've always loved British comedy; they're the best at it, and this one is right up there with the cream of the crop!
    boguseconomist If showing a couple of incompetent parents and a trio of gifted, totally out-of-control kids is comedy, then a Mensa reform school would be a riot. I will acknowledge the children are good actors, but ask yourself what you would do if these bright little menaces were in your face 24/7. I suggest the last thing we need is another example of an emasculated excuse for a father trying to prove he's in some way more intelligent than his offspring. The children show no responsibility, little consideration for other than themselves and a total disregard for any authority. In other words, the perfect example of miniature Rupert Murdochs. I'm writing this whilst getting away from the program until New Tricks comes on.
    allandale-95-290037 Myself and my wife were celebrating our golden wedding with a train across Canada tour.One hotel we stayed at was 'the Rundle Lodge in Banff As we were having breakfast on the first morning,a family of four- mum,dad,son and daughter sat at the table in front of us. It was the Marquez family whose daughter plays Karen in outnumbered We respected their privacy,so only had a quck word as they were leaving Strange who you meet 5000 miles away from home. We loved the series and Ramona is a very talented actress We hope for a new series but Ramona perhaps getting too old for the part Haven't seen the Kings Speech yet so i don't know what she's like in it
    mikestick This is a great favourite. Most parents with more than two children feel outnumbered, but when there are three as extrovert as Karen, Ben and Jake, the parents don't stand a chance. Every family crisis is magnified by the kids, who always hear everything that they shouldn't. Jake is the older one, and the most sensible. Ben has a fantasy mind filled with superheroes and extreme animals, and his flights of fantasy take him far beyond the suburban jungle that he lives in. Karen is very focused, and what makes it funny is that the questions she asks are so sensible, but adult as well, and inconvenient, so she asks about relationships, and why people do the things that they do, and the consequences, and then draws parallels with other situations. Above all the kids never stop talking, and the parents Pete and Sue have a constant battle to hold back the deluge of questions and comments. Pete (High Dennis) plays second fiddle to wife Sue (Claire Skinner), and they are both excellent in their parts. Neither of them successfully cope with all that life throws at them, and the dialogue is hilarious. Thanks, guys, for a first-rate show!!