The Muppets
The Muppets
TV-PG | 22 September 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    stereo_1999 I was expecting a family friendly funny show and this not only isn't family friendly but it isn't even funny. They used the style that "The Office" used were they talk to a camera for a few seconds which I find to be horrible cinematography and story telling. The adult relationships between the characters makes it more like a bad soap opera than something I would want to watch.I did however like seeing some of the new generation of guests on the show. I Elizabeth Banks, Reese Witherspoon, Josh Groban,Imagine Dragons, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Kristin Chenoweth. The only problem is stars old and new can't be the only reason to watch this show. The Muppet Show of old never relied solely on the guests they brought on. I got to the tenth episode and just couldn't keep watching anymore since I felt like I was wasting my life doing so.
    spacelordxaffax I'm a fan of the Muppets and I liked the Muppets tonight,so I don't feel I'm overly sentimental or stuck in the past. But if you are going to revive an old show you'll need to capture some of he magic that the made the original a success. They did so with Star Trek after they figured it out. The magic of the Muppets was a combination of a Rebellious anti authoritarian, witty adolescent type of humor. A bit like Monty Python but without the black, gore and nastiness. Then there were the characters that were really well thought out and often very complicated without seeming so. And then there were first rate puppeteers, who could really play those characters like first rate actors/comedians. This new series has none of that. The puppetry is stiff and mediocre. The lines aren't delivered that well, and the puppets don't come alive. Everybody could do puppetry on that level. But worst of all they take well established and loved special characters and make them kind of normal, and boring. Animal speaks whole sentences and shows depth. That basically destroys everything that made him fun. Your not supposed to feel at ease with Animal. He has only pure in the moment cave man emotion. He doesn't speak, he utters emotions in terms of two words max. Sex,food,Drums and violence, that's Animal. You don't know where he's been and you don't know where he's going. You don't ask. That's what makes him fun. All these characters are kind of maimed by this show. If they think we need a new kind of muppets to fit these times, let them at least create new muppets for it. As for me, I don't like "these times" anyway.
    Fred White Once again, I look forward to a new show only to be disappointed by someone's new take of a classic (my last disappointment was Hawaii Five-O). I don't mind things being updated, but when writers screw with things that worked well like the most recent Muppet films, it's hard to take notice how bad it is.First, The Muppets had a clean humor that appealed to every range. The humor in this show appeals more to the 18-34 crowd only.Second, they are not mimicking a style that fresh. It's a style that has been done for about 10 years or so and it's even old now. If they wanted to do something that fit The Muppets more, they should have looked at the movies and then Glee, rather than Modern Family.Third, they use guest stars poorly. They most always play themselves. You should have a big name play some whacky character that you would not expect him/her play.That pretty much covers it. It's seems like a show with no identity or originality.
    illogic66 I rarely bother 'following' new shows per episode, but this new Muppet show is absolutely hilarious. I liked the original show when I was little-- I was born the year it began, saw all of it and all the movies through late '80s-- but after not seeing it for twenty years or so, I was very pleasantly surprised to find that I find the Muppets a lot funnier now than I ever found them as a child, both the old show and the newer movie and this TV show. For those who say they need a show they can watch with their kids, that show is called Sesame Street. Let the grown-ups have our Muppets too. It's said to be receiving a 'reboot' this spring, and I hope that's a massive overstatement because it's seriously funny as hell and I'll buy the blu-ray and the t-shirt if it stays this way. If it turns toward banal, obvious humor for the kiddies, I'm out.