Penn & Teller: Bull!
Penn & Teller: Bull!
TV-MA | 24 January 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    hazysistersunshine33 This is a Penn & Teller Showtime original where the duo explores the more humorous side of several controversial subjects from The Apocalypse, Having a perfect body, Cheerleaders, Perfect lawns, etc. They really make you think about these subjects in different ways. It's always funny and always witty and always pretty crude and rude, which I love. Since it's on Showtime they can show nudity to prove a point and there's plenty of expletives. It's half-hour long, so it's a nice quickie and you may learn something. It's educational and fun. Even if you don't agree with them on everything, I think you will still get a kick out of it.
    DKosty123 This series takes serious issues (recently the fast food proposals) & uses experts to go over both sides of the argument. Penn & Teller entertaining host this tour & of course add their spin to the issue. While it is not their traditional magic act, this series on pay cable is worthwhile viewing as they try to sift out the Bull S**** on serious issues. Penn speaks & Tellers illustrates everything about the issue as they go along, & they do keep things going with good humor.Penn & Teller are one of the class acts in Las Vegas. They are outstanding performers who you should try to see @ the RIO when your there. Penn does most of the talking in this team that I'd equate to the Laurel & Hardy of Magic. At six feet and seven inches, he towers over lots of folks. Intellectually, he towers over lots of folks too. Very often his dialogs are so cerebral that his logic goes over the audiences heads. Usually when that happens, he realizes what he has done and explains it to the folks who have been lost on the way.Teller is in a class by himself. He does not speak, but his actions often speak as loud as Penns words. Together they are as unique as any team operating today. They do lots of enjoyable things & are sure to please any audience. Their comedy is as great as their magic. Bullshit highlights this quite well.When I saw them @ the RIOS in Vegas, they put on a great show too. They start seating the audience in their theater an hour early. A Jazz Pianist & Bass Player play tunes for that entire hour to warm up the audience. There is an audience participation activity during the music as well.Then they do a series of acts that are quite astounding. After their live show, they meet with everyone in the lobby for photos, autographs & show overall their class & showmanship. During this recession, they are one of the few acts who have "Sold more mementos than last year." While your @ the RIO, besides visiting Penn & Tellers lounge, try to visit the VOODOO lounge. You will enjoy the experience, & it is just a little bonus to the show.Bullshit is not too be missed on TV, & their live show is not too be missed in Vegas. I am still looking for the blonde that disappeared during the show, I had a date with her.
    MartinHafer The magicians, Penn and Teller, are very Libertarian in their views and because of this, their political bent is towards smaller government, less intrusive laws and a willingness to attack both Conservatives and Liberals alike. I love this Showtime series--even though occasionally it offends me. That's because 99% of the TV shows out there never think to question much of anything--even though "common knowledge" is often 100% wrong because,...well...people are stupid! As of this date, the show has five seasons behind it and they have attacked many "sacred cows"--such as asserting that recycling is usually a BAD thing, pornography and nudity is GOOD, being fat isn't much of a health risk and religion is for idiots. While I wouldn't agree with them about their views on religion and a few other things, I love that they actually dare to address the topics and are fully exercising their first amendment rights to free speech. Plus, when I see that they are offending people for whom I have little respect, I can't help but shout "amen"! The style of the show is unique because it is a combination of a documentary, humor and crassness (with a heaping spoonful of obscenities). While I can ignore all the profanity (especially the thousands of "f-words") and I can ignore all the gratuitous nudity (which, after all, fits in with the team's Libertarian bent), I really wish they had toned this down and chosen a different title for the show because I would love to be able to show these episodes to the high school teachers I teach. Unfortunately, because of the show's style, that will never happen--or, I'll show an episode and just wait to be fired! Aside from kids, this show SHOULD be watched by everyone. Sure, it's bound to offend you--but it will also make you think and shock you out of complacency. While in the end you may not be convinced (in a couple episodes, I think their logic wasn't quite correct--though usually they were dead on target), you can't help but think and re-assess what you think and why. It's just too bad that practically NOTHING on TV today does that other than PENN & TELLER: BULLSHIT!.
    maz underscore without having previously heard anything about it's content; tonight i watched quite a few episodes of penn and teller: bull****.what. a. brilliant. show.for some reason i had it in my head that it was a sitcom of sorts, but this part exposé, part comedy, part documentary series is absolutely terrific and far from an ordinary show.the episode that delved into the historical and scientific inaccuracies of the bible is so far my favourite. they went into some of the bull**** stories within the bible like: adam and eve, noahs ark, the parting of the red sea, the ten commandments...and my favourite bull**** story of all time...Jesus!! although penn and teller clearly have their point of view in each episode and of course they voice them, they get people from both sides of the argument to tell their beliefs, ideals and stories so you get a clear and concise chance to agree or disagree. some of the stuff in the episode about prostitutes i was a bit edgy about. so much i agree with, but at the same time i think they spent too much time showing the good side and not the bad side. making sure there is only a good side to prostitution seems too much like pie in the sky simplicity to me.BUT that is just one of the many reasons this show f*****g rules; it's interesting enough for me to want more and actually form an opinion about something topical after watching it! not to mention the fact that it's f*****g hilarious. (and there are naked people) i know this has never been and will never be on prime time television (except lucky old cable), due to the swearing, nudity, drug themes etc etc...and probably just the content it's self, but you MUST find and watch this show. download it off the net, order the DVD, steal cable, harvest your organs for TV money!! do something!! but you must see this show.