TV-PG | 15 November 2009 (USA)

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    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
    Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Brian Hougaard Baldersbaek (dk6400brian) My expectations were sky high when I hit the Buy-button and sat waiting for this BluRay 2 disc-set to arrive.I expected rolls of color footage transferred to BluRay so I could sit in my den, going time traveling for hours. But no. Instead I got small second sized fragments of footage here and there, drowned in dramatic music and a male drama voice telling the stories.I agree with one of the other reviewers, that this is a MTV-like presentation. Not worth a penny, unless you won't miss a second of color footage from World War 2.The bonus material tells a story of a 2 year hunt for footage and how they transferred the old color films into 4K resolution digital video. All their efforts are not present on this 2 disc BluRay. I repeat, not present.I'm giving this presentation a 2 out of 10 vote. One for the glimps of color footage and one for being in almost FullHD, 1080i.Honestly, I'm deeply disappointed. I waisted my money. There it is. I said it.
    Kristaps Ozolins ...if only we took away politics. This is just another propaganda material, which justify some allied war crimes and demonize Germans and Japanese. It's understandable when you make such movies in war time, but it's not understandable when you make them 50 years after. In reality there is no bad or good people, there is no evil ones or holy ones, there are just people, some are worse, some are better. OK, if we put politics away, then there is left a bunch of good and not so good quality WWII war footage. It's very educational and impressive to watch. You can get sneak peak into real WWII world, not Hollywood-made one. Movie is made chronologically and starts with Guadalcanal operation, some intro is made before. Movie tells the story of American version of WWII - Pacific front, North Africa, Italy and France, so if you are more interested in eastern front and events before 7th December of 1941, this movie is not for you. I can't give this movie more than 3 stars because of massive propaganda. If you are easily influenced, don't watch it, otherwise get ready for some brainwashing and good luck!
    Brian Bagnall (brianberwyn) Having seen the 1970's World At War series plus many other WWII old color documentaries I was not expecting much new in WWII in HD. Much to my surprise I found the entire series absolutely compelling and I watched it all in one day recorded off the TV. It is so much more than just restored old color movie clips (that are very far from HD quality). The story-telling around a number of real-life American war veterans, including recent interviews with them, brings the five year history of the US role in WWII into fresh focus today. The role of Allied military forces is barely covered, however, furthering the misconception that the US alone won the war. Although the story jumps between war theaters around the world the brilliant editing shocks the senses with scene after scene of the horrifying cruelty inflicted on soldiers and civilians throughout the world. Graphic footage of blasted bodies and wounded children is very hard to watch but the end result is the most effective anti-war film I have ever seen. The fanatical resistance of the Japanese military plus their diabolical cruelty caused tens of thousands of US soldiers to die in epic battles on small Pacific islands. Now I understand better why Truman decided to drop the atomic bombs rather than risk up to a million more US soldier deaths in an invasion of the Japanese mainland (I just wish he had given civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki a few hours to evacuate beforehand). The combination of actual color footage plus unique editing makes this series a must-see even if it takes nearly eight hours to watch. Very highly recommended.
    CryptoGuy I cannot get enough of this series. I think it is the best done thus far. It is much better than Ken Burns's documentary, in my opinion. The footage is unbelievable. The personal stories are heart wrenching. I love the way they go back and forth from the actual people, who are in their 80's now, and the actors voicing the story. Perfect. WWII In HD is well thought out and produced documentary. They could easily take this and turn into a dramatic mini-series. Hmmm, note to self...It also has a great soundtrack. I wonder if they will offer it in stores or online.It's just so moving. Well done. Now let's see one on Korea and Vietnam.