American Vandal
American Vandal
TV-MA | 15 September 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    AboveDeepBuggy Some things I liked some I did not.
    Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    Ersbel Oraph the story is nice. but it is slow. the producers clearly needed to fill up the space negotiated with netflix. and the story simply can't stretch that much. by the second half of the third episode i was asking myself why couldn't that fill up just one episode instead of two and a half, even three. it is the first netflix production that i badly needed the film to go at a higher speed. i had the same feeling with deidra and xxx rob a train, but that was easily solved by often jumping forward. with American vandal the points are hidden in this slow going mass and jumping would just lose some of them. there is a vague understanding of the issue of privacy in the last episode, but that is it.Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @
    a00030864 The crime was juvenile to say the least, then again, it was committed at a high, I suppose not far off the mark as far as high school crimes go.They made a who 'dunnit about the crime and turned it into a drama series, which is OK, but when you think about the nature of the crime you really have to suspend reality to get serious about the detective work. The 2 kid sleuths were good, some interesting twists and turns here and there. Basically old style detective work with some CGI thrown in and a lot of spray paint.I like the raspy voiced kid accused of the crime played by Jimmy Tatro - he stole the show. Went on YouTube and found out Tatro is one funny guy. In light of the crime, they should have let Tatro be more like Tatro and had more fun with the series...added more subtle comedy to it. After watching Tatro on YouTube you realize this is a significant departure for him and he was good at it (being serious, sympathetic and vulnerable). All they made him do, in terms of comedy, was be physically vulgar when in fact, he is comically more capable than that.I mean, this wasn't CSI after all - they should have had a bit more fun with it.
    c-will77 I love this show.This is the kind of show you binge watch because you want to get to the end and see what happens. It is well thought out show and while am not providing any spoilers, it just did not end the way I anticipated it would end. It left a few questions unanswered which makes me think perhaps there might be a second season. However, that is my opinion and some other person might be satisfied with the ending but for me?I wanted more. Honestly, it is a very enjoyable series.
    carljung-35110 The first seven episodes are note perfect; every one chock full of laugh out loud moments. A pure comedy ala Spinal Tap. And turns into pathos..and finally bathos. The last episode left such a bad taste in my mouth that I will not be watching any future seasons. A minor shame, but the first seven parts are still comedy gold. Would have given the show a 10/10 if that terrible eighth episode wasn't in it.