The New Statesman
The New Statesman
| 13 September 1987 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
    Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
    Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    Drunken Monkey2 This is a hilarious political-cum comedy, this series reminds me instantly of the political bits in Little Britain.Rik mayall at his best, TNS has more of an intellectual side than his usual fast witted comedies boyish humour and innuendo's aplenty, which is quite political correct in this respect! :pA sheer classic, lots of fun and humor to be had, just don't watch it in front of your inlaws, unless they like the show of course! Beg borrow but don't steal a copy! watch it, laugh it and you're gonna really enjoy it!In fact, all this talk has got those memories flooding back again, i'm gonna order the DVD set now! ;) 10/10
    Howlin Wolf I'm referring in the above summary to horribly bland and safe output like "Birds of a Feather". Thankfully, this is the polar opposite of such nauseous bonding, and shows us that these two guys CAN write terrifically insightful and acerbic comedy if they pull their finger out. Ably assisting them is the often sublime Rik Mayall, here ditching the over-the-top lunatic quality that made him famous, in favour of a more insiduously subtle style, and boy is it hilarious! There are also some fantastically observed secondary characters present too; but there's no doubt about it, Alan is the star of the show, and he's gleefully nasty. A comedy series that arrived in the UK at just the right time to skewer Thatcher's horrendously selfish government, this is often uproariously funny. A great and sadly underappreciated half-hour, with loads more 'bite' and 'bile' than many of its contemporaries or contenders.
    a385425 In my opinion this is maybe the best political satire ever made.It´s main character Alan B´Stard played by Rik Mayall is excellent.There will pass quite long time while somebody makes such good series as this one.So I recommend it to anybody who loves British humor!!
    smarty-11 I used to watch this years ago in Australia... It started out airing at 11:30 pm but was moved to some crazy time like four in the morning because it was so controversial. It's a nastily accurate skewering of a Thatcher-ite backbencher more evil than Satan himself. If you ever get a chance to see it, do!