| 09 October 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
    Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
    Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    deansdream13 This is the best show I have EVER seen! It restores my faith in television programming...well, it did until it was canceled by some soulless jerk who will never understand comedy! I curse that fool! This show is so good, I would remove my own organs with a rusty spoon and sell them to science to fund public service announcements informing my fellow Americans it is their right, their duty, to demand this show air another season of delightfully wicked shows. It saddens me, when I speak of the greatness of this show, that so many people have not had the pleasure (and the honor)of experiencing it themselves. Poor bastards, what a pathetic excuse for a life! I am not scared to say it...I love, I want, I need, Testees!
    rick_001 The name says it all... Just try and watch this show without cringing a little, or looking at your partners face to see if its appropriate to laugh, squirm or sit back in horror. It really pushes those invisible boundaries and would love to have been on the set to see this series recorded.. Darts will never seem the same again. Great show. This show will stick in the recesses of my mind for a some time to come... and the show is like a speed bump.. you just have to slow down and watch it and not speed past and miss it. This has to be a " must see " for those with a broad sense of humor and don't mind being occasionally shocked and stunned.. and just quietly, some of the more outrageous ideas are not so outrageous to guys :-)
    snooch121 I, like most people, had seen the animated advertisements for this for weeks and weeks prior to the series premier. From the advertisements alone, I must say that I was not overtly excited to see the show as the commercials did not reveal anything of what the show would be about. It's time slot is directly following It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and I honestly didn't think that it could top that.However, my assumptions were proved completely wrong. It was clear for me, even a mere ten minutes into the series premier, that this show is something special. It isn't so often that a TV sitcom is successful at being unique but Testees succeeded in a major way. I know that people don't like that it takes up Sunny's second episode spot, but come on... how can anyone not like a show that has a guy in it who says, "My (penis) is so big you could hump its hole." I just about died when one of the male characters tried to give himself a wire-hangar abortion through his ass. I realize it's juvenile but it's friggin hilarious.Testees is clearly one of the most outrageous, preposterous, improper, obscene, and lascivious shows on TV... but it's also undoubtedly one the most entertaining. IMO, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Testees are a great combo of shows for a lot of laughs.
    DaynaSu The commercials for this show were really funny. I didn't even realize that Kenny (minus Spenny) Hotz was involved with the project until I saw his name in the opening credits. Fans of the Kenny vs. Spenny show won't even recognize him, although he does play a major part in the pilot.This is definitely a show for adults. There's lots of juvenile and raunchy humor, which I LOVE. It was the awkward, unfunny spaces in between that made this show a little disappointing. It was almost painful to watch at some points. I hope the future episodes are better, because the concept is great.
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