15 Storeys High
15 Storeys High
| 07 November 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Burkettonhe This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    ineffectualpoet I caught an episode of this on BBC Three a while ago and presumed, from it's six month banishment that it will never see the light of day again. Approxiamtly, 2 weeks ago I decided to purchase the DVD. It is amazing. Truly a subtly funny script, amazing acting and Sean Lock, well, although he plays a misanthropic cynical man, he is lovable. Sometimes i wish i lived in the same block amongst him and his surreal tenants. He, alongside the director captures the atmosphere of the goings on inside a dilapidated block of flats excellently. And its not what you'd expect! A man who secretes a horse in his spare room, the husband of a aspiring swimmer who claims to be "crazy", a guy who helps his friend win back his girlfriend by constantly smashing his fist against a wall and various others. No extravagance, if anything, a pretty banal depressive atmosphere with a razor sharp script. That's the true essence of this comedy. I don't understand why shyte comedies get more attention than this? I ponder over whether people tend to love the acclaimed overrated crap rather than a comedy that truly delivers and pleases. Sean Lock & Mark Lamarr are both extremely talented writers. End of.
    iainidc I had never heard of 15 Storeys High until a friend recommended it. I didn't have great expectations but ended up watching all 6 episodes in one go! This is a weird, wonderful, surreal comedy with brilliant characterisation. Locke & Wong are just terrific as the undynamic duo -a morose swimming pool attendant and a hapless fish-factory worker living together in a rather run-down apartment block. Their dull, aimless lives are interspersed with moments of absurdity; the story lines border on the ludicrous, made all the funnier by the deadpan delivery of the actors. 15 Storeys High can rightfully take its place among the very best of BBC Comedies - a real hidden gem that hopefully one day will receive the recognition it deserves. If you haven't seen it and you like slightly off-the-wall comedies like The Office,you shouldn't be disappointed!
    dutchwife Okay, I just bought the DVD of the first series because the reviews suggested that this was the type of humour that I like best (Black Books!!Yeah!!). After watching the first episode, I was left with mixed feelings. My mistake....A couple of days later I decided to give the second show a shot. No mixed feelings now-this one's a gem! Lock & the rest of the cast's deadpan delivery is enhanced by the lack of canned laughter, & the bizarre situations are played out almost a la reality TV. Also, as an ex-pat Londoner, while these situations may seem genuinely odd to a few people, I was reminded of a whole slew of people from way back when. Which is probably why I moved as far away as possible.To summarize, a top-notch show which may need to be given a couple of viewings. I can't wait for the second series to get a DVD release..
    Mouldyman Great stuff. Sean locke's character is just a mean bloke who seems not to be able to stand anyone else. Despite this he shares his flat with Errol, who is a simple fellow, perhaps a more less caricatured version of Father Dougal.The beauty of it is that despite the strange situations they make for themselves, they remain real characters you can believe in. Errol is naive and extremely likable. Vince is the opposite, cynical, and nasty, taking out his vitriol on other people in unprovoked acts of spite (but in a funny way).The supporting characters inhabiting the rest of the building are the exaggerated, strange beings, and i thought that a great deal of their antics were just slightly too bizarre to exist alongside Vince and Errol's reality.But this is one of the funniest first series I have seen, and I look forward to seeing the second (hurry up and release it on DVD!!)