Archie Bunker's Place
Archie Bunker's Place
TV-PG | 23 September 1979 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    MartinHafer "Archie Bunker's Place" is a TV series that probably never should have been made. It's a strange, neutered version of "All in the Family" with almost all of the edge and political message stripped away. What you have, essentially, is a nicer, more grandfatherly Archie supporting a show of mostly uninteresting characters...all set to an invasive and unwelcome laugh track.Early in the series, they killed off Jean Stapleton was apparently tired after nine seasons of the previous series--plus the turn the new show took probably didn't please her. They'd already taken Mike and Gloria and the usual neighbors off the series* and now they replaced them with folks like of Barney Hefner (whose 'I am a big loser since my wife, Blanche, left me' routine wore thin very quickly...and continued throughout most of the series), countless soulless and faceless employees (it was obvious that the producers were trying in vain to find one who would work into the show properly), a cute kid who was simply annoying most of the time and later a niece who is essentially an older version of the unnecessary little girl.The show limped along for four seasons...which is inexplicable considering the high turnover of many of the characters and insipid scripts. But they weren't all bad. I recall one with Ann Meara struggling with alcoholism and it was exceptional...but the rare exception...and soon Meara was off the show as well! Overall, this is a bland and mostly inoffensive series...a show you'd NEVER expect from something that used to be "All in the Family".*With failing ratings, the producers brought back a divorced Gloria to move back in with Archie. Rarely have I seen a series that jumped the shark as many times as this one did!!UPDATE: Since my review, I've seen quite a few episodes of "Archie Bunker's Place". While I STILL maintain that it's a pale imitation of its predecessor and a real disappointment, the shows are decent time-passers. Mediocre in every way but tolerable if nothing better is on TV.
    goddessofluck I never realized how great All in the Family was until I watched Archie Bunker's Place... which was horrible. It made me realize what was missing - everything! It's apples & oranges - apples & zebras is more accurate. It is a depressing sequel/spin off in a sad lonely bar with flat lines & flatter jokes. Too much effort in trying to clean up Archie's act - tried to hard in my opinion, a bit unbelievable. I am disappointed that O'Connor even liked it enough to do it. Without Edith, the Bunkers don't exist to me. Gloria & Mike's absence is painfully obvious - Archie Bunker's Place story lines are manufactured, not natural, as with All in the Family. I don't know how this lasted FOUR years!
    tfrizzell Archie Bunker ("Carroll O'Connor) moved up in the world by 1979 with this fair follow-up to "All in the Family". He decides to buy the bar down the street that always served as his second home and hilarious situations followed for another 96 episodes over a four-year run from 1979 through 1983. O'Connor though made the transition alone as Jean Stapleton passed away on the show and O'Connor found solace with a young orphan (Danielle Brisebois) who he started to rear as the previous series ended. The comedic timing of O'Connor and Brisebois (an adolescent at the time) was impressive for the most part, but honestly O'Connor thrived on old colleagues like Stapleton, Rob Reiner and Sally Struthers much better. Good performers like Anne Meara and old movie character actor Martin Balsam were high-lighted as the series ran its course. Just always lacked the edginess and creativity of its predecessor. 2.5 out of 5 stars.
    Swampthing316 A very damn good show.Archie Bunker's place was disliked by so many probably because Mike and Gloria weren't arguing with Archie in it and Edith died at the beginning of season 2.During season 1 a Thanksgiving Reunion Episode was made reuniting Mike Gloria, Edith and Archie. Sadly, this was the final episode that they would all be together. This episode is often overlooked due to the fact that Archie Bunkers Place is rarely seen on any network.TVland just started showing episodes of Archie Bunker's Place every night at Midnight. I don't know if they are going to show the entire series or not, I sure hope they do.In this series we see an older much wiser Archie, we see him flashback to many episodes of All In The Family regretting many of the mistakes he made.Archie changes a great deal during this series, he makes up for everything he did wrong in the past. This show cleans up after All In The Family. This show is there as sort of an Anchor for All In The Family. It sends out a message to all its viewers saying no Bigotry is not Okay, sure we passed Bigotry off as being okay in All In The Family but now your are seeing what happens to a bigot late in life, this bigot begins to see the error of his ways.This show was ironically canceled after 4 seasons somewhere in between 1982 and 1983.I believe a full marathon of Archie Bunkers Place starting with the episodes of All In The Family in which Archie Buys the bar, should have ran for four days straight after Carroll O'Connors death, this would have been a fitting tribute to the veteran actor. At least an airing of the actual pilot of All in the Family followed by some land mark episodes of that show than episodes of Archie Bunkers Place should've been aired.May Archie rest in peace!