Teen Mom OG
Teen Mom OG
| 08 December 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
    frome-27786 I see a lot of comments saying Brianna is the bad one, and she is replacing the idiot Farrah, but I don't agree. If anyone is disrespectful and rude , it's Kail. "She is salty" it's ok for her to go have kids with every guy who looks at her, but heaven forbid an ex move on. She acted a fool when JO met Vee ( love vee !!) on the finale with dr drew, he tried to get Kail to give vee a chance, kail refused saying she is not ok with her drinking and smoking weed and since that was the first impression she had of vee, she was not going to allow her to be around Isaac. Dr, drew quickly put that brod in her place, saying a lot of people's first impressions of her, is her temper, and her hitting jo,and Javi. She stormed off stage it was a great moment. Kail is so jealous that both of her exes found beautiful women who actually match them, instead of her linebacker looking ass ( she looks like a football player next to them). She has this big mouth, talking about she don't want Brianna around her child, but had the odasity to say Brianna and her family ganged up on her? Um no. If anyone threatened anyone in front of a child, it was her stubby looking friend stone, when she went in to bris room talking crap to Brianna while she was holding her child. Usually the ones with the big bark, have no bite and really are scared, she hid out in her room all day, that's so funny. I think brittney would of whooped her. Kail thinks she's better than everyone, she's a joke. She has said once she knows she is the most hated teen mom, I agree. She makes this show, jerrry springer, no one else. She's he only one hitting people. I do agree when people say more Chelsea, she is the star of the show and she is the one with class. She don't start drama, like The others (Leah , Jenelle and Kail ). I do have a lot more to say , but this is long enough. (But i will say I can't wait to see David off the show) he's another idiot. He has Jenelle like a puppet, and she's stupid enough to let him control the strings.
    Adelina Chavez As i'm gathering research for my high school senior project on how society treats teenage pregnancy, many of the reviews above sadden me. I must be a liberal Californian or maybe just human but the way you bash on these very inspiring women in such a disrespectful way, is not gonna get you much further than whatever honky-tonk state you're from... I'm 17,kid-less,and can promise you that teenagers having babies is not the source of the problem here in the USA. If you think this show is trash and you rather poke needles in your eyes, than i pray to god your daughter has triplets as a teen and they cry in your ears until they make you have wished you would of exposed such a preventable show to your kids. Many more adults disadvantage this economy and end up on welfare faster than any teen parent i know. Keep your ignorance off such an empowering shows review listings. Mainly because I rather give birth on president trump's white house lawn than hear what any of you people have to say about the show!
    Shopaholic35 I'm glad to see the original Teen Mom's back on TV but I have to agree with Maci that Farrah should have never been brought back on the show. Farrah has far too many issues and creates a trailer trash yet entitled vibe. I can't stand her catty attitude and the fact that she has introduced another spoiled brat into the world in poor little Sophia. She thinks she's worked hard for everything she has in life but she was lucky, and I use that term loosely.Aside from Farrah's bad influence, I still love seeing what's going on with the other three girls. They are still learning all the time and continue to make plenty of mistakes in life but they are genuinely trying. It's nice to see how much they have grown up in the past six years and I will continue to watch for as long as the show aires.
    Matthew Scott Good job MTV for making the United States look even worse. Talk about showcasing horrible parenting. This "show" chronicles the lives of a few young mothers, who all had babies at 16. The only one of the children who will have any form of normal life is the one who was given up for adoption. The biggest train wreck on the "show" is Farrah. If you want to see what narcissism looks like here it is. She leaves the baby in the sink, and on the bed completely unattended. Now you think MTV crew would step in and grab the kid from falling. Nope. She gets a dog, which she can't take care of. She gets breast implants and braces, under the guise of modeling (vanity). She also has the never to waste her parents money flying around the county to find a "school" to go to. You know. So she is alone with a child she has no way to support and no support system to help her (she clearly couldn't function with out her mother whom she bad mouths at every chance.) Any way you're better off putting needles in your eyes and ears rather than watching this drivel. MTV should be ashamed with the quality of shows.