Face Off
Face Off
TV-14 | 26 January 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
    Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    kriselda I have a _real_ problem with the way the eliminations are being handled. Since they're only doing eliminations every other week - and are getting rid of two people on the elimination weeks - the contestants on the non-elimination weeks get a big, and seriously unfair, advantage.Here's what happening (I'm going to use made up contestant names to avoid any spoilers) Week 1 "Debbie, " "Daniel" and "Davey" are the three lowest scoring contestants of the week. If this were a normal week during a normal season, one of them would be leaving, but because of the special format this season, all three get to stay, giving them all a chance to do better the next week.Week 2 Debbie, Daniel and Davey are able to make great use of their close call from the week before, do a much better job and win their face-to-face battles, so all three are get to stay. "Nancy" and "Noah," however, both dropped the ball and are both eliminated. Unlike Debbie, Daniel and Davey, neither of them gets a chance to come back the next week to try to redeem themselves and avoid elimination. They're just gone.Week 3 and 4 the cycle repeats. Whomever would have been this week 3's loser basically gets a do-over, while the two lowest scorers for week 4 don't. What I think would be much more fair would be to announce at the end of the non-elimination week who the two lowest scorers for the week are. Then, during the elimination week episode have them be one of the battling pairs. The loser of that battle goes home, as doeswhomever is the overall loser of all the other battles. For example:Week 1 Debbie and Davey have the lowest scores. In a normal season, that would be it for one of them, but because of the special format both get to compete next week. Week 2 Debbie and Davey are paired in one of the face-to-face battles and whichever one loses that battle goes home. The other battling pairs are matched up however they're doing it that episode. Out of those pairs, it's determined that Nancy was the weakest, so she also goes home.That way, at least one of the two weakest players from week one will be sent home. It's not perfect, but it would be a lot better.
    tiggerjillm I'm not a huge fan of reality shows but this is one of the exceptions. Most of these contestants are amazingly talented. It's amazing what they are able to conceive & produce in such a short time. The host can be a bit robotic as well as one judges (SMILE ALREADY) but these are small details that pale in comparison to the entertainment and talent that the show delivers. I'm left in awe each week! One other thing I absolutely love about this show is that most of the contestants are willing to lend aide and advice to other contestants even when it's not a team challenge; rarely does there seem to be bitterness or backstabbing.
    alexandermoore-12738 Face Off is not some cheesy reality competition show like others. It is a superb and in depth look into the creation of fantastic makeups. It really shows how much hard work can go into something that can have so small or large of a role in a film. I would recommend this for any movie fan who loves watching behind the scenes on their Blu-Ray's or DVD's, and especially if you are considering makeup effects for a living. Another positive is that you find yourself critiquing the finished makeups along with the judges, which is good for any competition show. The reason this show isn't at a 10 is because it varies from episode to episode. Sometimes the challenges are weird and sometimes they are mind blowing, like the recent challenge of the artists making themselves superheroes. If you haven't seen this show yet give it a watch. It is on every Tuesday night on the Syfy channel.
    icyharris-539-169904 Why do their creations looked 10X better than the makeup jobs of half the shows on their channel, SyFy. Ever since I started watching this show, I am more observant on modern makeup jobs. To me, Star Wars set the standard, dispensing with bad masks and obviously zippered costumes. For these contestants, considering the time and budget they have, create some convincing creatures that match or even rival those special effects. What I hate though, which is a similar beef I have with "Project Runway" and "American Idol" is that they want the artists to be diverse when you can tell some of them are more comfortable with a particular genre- and I'm sure they will be just as successful as people that are more versatile. Like some are better at kiddie movie type makeup, some for horror movies, some for lightweight fantasy fare, some for comedies, and some for shows needing realistic battle and murder victim wounds. All I can say is SyFy and other productions, you need to hire some of these people and fire your current staff!