Robot Wars
Robot Wars
| 02 January 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    SpecialsTarget Disturbing yet enthralling
    Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
    Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
    alexfinlayson-80821 When I was about 5 or 6 my dad told me about a TV show he'd seen that he thought I might enjoy. So we sat down to watch Robot Wars; it was love at first sight and it's remained my favorite TV show ever since.The show presents some amazingly designed machines and we get to see them all destroy each other in some truly spectacular battles. In addition to the contestant robots, there are also the legendary house robots. All Hail Sir Killalot!I was absolutely gutted when Robot Wars was taken off the air but those 12 years were worth the wait to see the brand new series.It was quite different to the original series but I don't think that was necessarily a bad thing. It would definitely have not been the same without the watchful eye of judge Noel Sharkey or the enthusiastic commentary of Jonathan Pearce. If you have an interest in engineering, then Robot Wars is definitely a show you would enjoy.Sadly this programme has once again been pulled from our screens but we can only hope that it'll return again one day......
    Angelus2 For me this was part of my schedule on a Friday, I was only nine or ten and this show excited me and my brothers.Contestants design robots and well, fight..It's full of rage and anarchy as robots slice, chop, and blow through each other to get go the finals, but the contestants not only have to worry about their opponents and the trap's within the arena floor, but the infamous 'House Robots', the worst of the worst. How, we jumped in joy if a contestant accidentally entered the space of Matilda, Shunt, Dead Metal (My personal favourite) or Sir Killalot.Great memories..
    alcalde I managed to catch an episode of this wonderful show purely by accident. We decided to stay home one Saturday afternoon, and as we were flipping around the channels, we happened across it. The first thing I heard was the voice of the host, Craig Charles, that I immediately recognized from another wonderful show, Red Dwarf. My girlfriend was ready to keep on going around the dial, but I wanted to watch, mainly because I like Craig so much. He's just plain cool! So we watched the show, and it was amazing! It's we Americans talk about how it'd be cool to do this or that, and it's usually just talk, the Brits are getting out into the garage, and actually building this stuff, and finding their way onto international television, as well!Hey, I'm gonna have to subscribe to TV Guide so I can find out when and where this shows going to be on again.Peace!
    baikal A truly excellent and enjoyable piece of entertainment!A battle of skill, design, tactic, intelligence and raw robot power. Very fast-paced and dynamic, with no useless and vulgar theatrics typical of american "wrestling" shows.