Born to Kill
Born to Kill
| 20 April 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
    Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
    giannaormerod The teenagers in this were perfect, totally 3 dimensional and realistic to their circumstances. It doesn't feel plot line convenient that they were friends solely down to the way they interacted together.Could've done with a 5th final episode though just to give more substance to the final drama.
    samhume-72568 I felt obliged to write this review after just finishing the final episode. I'd missed the series when it was initially aired but so glad I discovered it. It tells the story of a troubled teenager who dotes on his mother. As the series progresses I felt more attached to the character.. As Sam learns more about his dad, you see the similarities build. To devastating effects. It might be a slow burner for some, but certainly worth sticking with it. I thought it was thoroughly entertaining. With a few twists and unexpected shocks, I thought it was a great four parter.
    jwayiml It's a slow burner, but stick with it! You'll be swept along on a wave of anticipation and prickly evil Superb casting melancholic music and demonic lighting create an atmosphere of swirling impending threat. The acting is spot on, and the camera work deserves recognition, it's a great piece of work. Can't wait for the finale!
    vicstevinson Jack Rowan delivers an astonishing performance and has commanding presence. He posses heartthrob looks and an intriguing ability to sell this character's treachery and quirks. What an amazing feat for a young talent.Romola Garai is surprisingly convincing in this role that is 10 years older than she is. Her character compartmentalizes and as situations become overwhelming, Garai keeps the lid on the melodrama and cuts to the heart of her character.The title is so very on-the-nose and unfortunate. The show itself is an incredible journey into troubled psychology masked by teenage angst and turmoil.
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