TV-MA | 17 September 1991 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
    Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    willman85 They are presented as life's losers - Richie more so - and their failure at relationships and work are relatable to a degree. Work and relationships are the Big Two most important drives of our lives. In Rik and Ade's own words, Richie and Eddie are the "bottom of the heap" and "unemployed survivors".Alcoholism and dimwittedness are implied to be the factors for their "bottom" position in society. But some of the comedy is in how the duo exhibit flashes of engineering brilliance, or cultural refinedness, or articulate and poetic verbals, in the face of their grim surroundings. It must be stated, however, that these are mere flashes. They are not indicative of intelligence but merely an emulation of it.There weren't many weak episodes - I count Dough, Break and Finger - but the fact that these appear by the end of the run (in Series 3) suggests that the premise might not have been as strong as hoped. Having said that, the remaining three episodes in Series 3 were very strong - Hole particularly so - so maybe quality control in the writing was hampered by laziness or a lack of time or care. Overall the show has a unique comedy BRAND, one that only Rik and Ade can pull off. But the novelty apparently wore off at 18 episodes. Much of the comedy lies in the high degree of suspension of disbelief. Richie, Eddie, Spudgun and Dave Hedgehog are the only ridiculous, absurd, insane characters, and everyone else are sane and normal (if not mad and violent). But the universe gets presented more and more as a rather fantastical place, and physical laws get broken. The shock, surprise and horror loses its impact after a while, and the lifespan would have been greater had they'd have eased into the absurd more gently.Three series is still a respectable run, it must be said. The Mighty Boosh was very much even more surreal, and shared the same lifespan plus 2 more episodes. Bottom, however, has more longevity in re-watch value; The Mighty Boosh's novelty wears thin from repeated viewings quicker IMO. I'd add that I think more stories with Spudgun and Dave Hedgehog would have added to the lifespan, or at least improve weaker script ideas.Minor criticisms aside, Bottom is characterful and unique; and Rik + Ade's comic physicality had no comparison in the early 90s. It wasn't just the violent fighting, it was the reactions in their faces, the delivery of lines, and the pathos. They had chemistry.
    Paul Magne Haakonsen First of all, it should be said that you have to enjoy the unique and dark satire of British comedy in order to appreciate "Bottom". I do, and I found the "Bottom" series to be quite hilarious.Every time Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson gets together in a comedy, the end result is a sure win. And "Bottom" is no different. The characters and scenarios they come up with are just wonderfully bizarre and outrageous.Each episode is a tour de force in its own and can be watched individually without getting out of step with the flow of the entire series. And that is good, because each episode is a story of its own, but still together in the bigger picture in the entire series.There is a lot of slapstick comedy and it works quite well. And the two characters - Eddie (played by Adrian Edmondson) and Richie (played by Rik Mayall) - are a great opposition to one another, combining chaos with even more chaos.If you enjoy the comedy of Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson, then you should most definitely sit down and watch "Bottom".
    Just-Being-Me This comedy never gets old, it never fails to make me laugh, it is one of the only comedy shows that actually makes me LOL (laugh out loud). It is just amazing and always cheers me up. It makes me laugh just thinking of the things that happen in the show. I think these two are the perfect comedy duo. Yes it is rude, yes there is a lot of sex talk/jokes, there is violence but it is very funny.People will judge the actors because of this but it is a fact that Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson are actually very intelligent people, they choose to act like this because it is fun, not too serious and they know just what to do to get people laughing. I have always been a very big fan of these two.If you are a big fan of these two i would totally recommend "guest house paradiso"... it is a film (like bottom) with these two in, about them running a not so great hotel (also stars Simon Pegg) and it is funny, very funny, i wouldn't say it is better than bottom but it is good.I wish these two would make more bottom eps but i doubt they will. One of the best ever comedy shows.10 out of 10, no questions asked.
    ShadeGrenade It seemed strange that, after the witty satirical farce 'The New Statesman', Rik Mayall should choose to return to the ultra-crude, knockabout comedy of 'The Young Ones'. He and Adrian Edmondson starred as 'Richie Richard' and 'Eddie Hitler', two natural-born losers who when not railing against the world are at each other's throats. The show's violence is pitched at the level of 'The Three Stooges'. It was at its funniest when the characters were in isolation; in their disgusting flat, trapped on a fun-fair ferris wheel, or watching cricket whilst sunbathing on the roof of a shop. Here they could work off their aggression verbally. Steven O'Donnell and Christopher Ryan were hilarious as Richie and Eddie's deranged friends 'Spudgun' and 'Dave Hedgehog'. Mayall and Edmondson were right to limit 'Richie' and 'Eddie' to two seasons, but made a terrible mistake in bringing them to the big screen; the result was the frightful and best forgotten 'Guest House Paradiso'.