Retired at 35
Retired at 35
TV-PG | 19 January 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    hunterl3 I enjoy the set, setting and premise of this show. I don't care if it's unrealistic as some critics say. Please, how much TV is realistic??? For me it has an all around positive, upbeat feel, which I look for. I am not at all interested in the dark, brooding dramas. Life has plenty of that. Plus this is the kind of show that helps me escape reality every now and then. I find it soothing and cute and have literally laughed out loud on occasion. So happy and relieved to see it back on TV as I was missing it. George Segal and Jessica Walter have great chemistry and I love the entire cast. I particularly enjoy the friend's goofy simplemindedness and the cheesy and fun-loving character that Christine Ebersole plays. It's an 'escape' kind of show, and who doesn't need a little escape every now and then. Hope to see them around for a while.
    lnoft97 IF: - You are new to the world of sitcoms - You are easily amused - You are about 15 years old in mind or body - You are too tired to change the channel - You are curious what this thing is like after the non-stop flogging/hookup with Hot In Cleveland commercials - You are alone in the house and want some kind of noise so it doesn't feel so echo-y and empty - Yearn for something that isn't vampires/lawyers/reality showsTHEN, my friends, this show is for YOU!35 year old wearies of working,'retires', moves in with comical (separated) mom and/or dad, blahblahblah. Of course mom and dad are still zesty, active (though the mom looks about 40 and the dad looks about 70), full of vim and vigor, enjoying life far more than their son, and diving head first into dating, potty talk, innuendo, and blabbing about S-E-X. Without a scrap of wit, originality, or humor. Just kind of embarrassing and dull. If you think this is the "family show" you have been yearning for, you are wrong. A carbon copy of a carbon copy of a carbon copy of ... well, any dumb 'racy' sitcom from the past 30 years... In real life, Dad would be a bitter old crank after a heart attack and Mom would be a bitter old crank with the beginnings of dementia, and sonny boy would be run ragged trying to get home health aides in so he can catch a break. No, this is some senior citizen's fantasy of what life should be. Derp!
    mailbu2 People - Please give this new show a chance! I'm fed up with Critics! All too often critics over-extend themselves in "writing" clever and often negative reviews. We need to stop depending on critics for what we like or dislike. How about a review that addresses the qualities of writing, acting for all of us real people out there in TV land? Being a critic is not a license to destroy a career or TV/Film project. Not that,"Retired at 35" needs any critical guidance. It's simply fun. Let go of your stress, open a bag of whatever, enjoy your favorite beverage and open yourself to laughter.David Chase has created a funny new show. Can you imagine moving back home with your aging Dad & Mom? What if they are cooler and better off then you? As an actor I spent 5 days working on the first episode. The set was filled with laughs, inspired creation and a bunch of really nice people who just happened to be top notch professionals. There are so many hilarious scenes that often you don't have enough time to catch your breath after laughing. "Retired at 35" re-introduces the original concept of sitcom shows such as "All in the Family". Younger crowds will just need to trust, lay back and enjoy a NEW concept in TV today. May this fantastic show be the end to "Reality Shows." Long Live the new sitcom.Very well done Ladies & Gentleman.Abe Rogland
    JMC4711 The latest new sitcom from TV Land, Retired at 35 revolves around David, a harried executive whose company manufactures "food-related wood products" (toothpicks, Popsicle sticks, etc.). On a visit to his parents in Florida, the constant interruptions of his mother's birthday party by David's boss lead him to quit. On the heels of this life-changing announcement, David's mother announces a life-changer of her own; she's moving to Europe so she can paint naked men."Retired at 35" doesn't miss very many sitcom clichés in its first episode. Fans of "Three's Company" will recognize David's parents Alan and Elaine as a retread of the Ropers, right down to the dumb and inappropriate sex talk in front of their children. David's sister is yet another in a long line of "Mom and Dad always liked you best" younger sisters. Alan's friend Richard perfectly captures the show's level of humor when he describes Cialis and marijuana as "a toke and a poke". And then there's Paul, the sister's "is he gay or not" boyfriend. Really? In 2011 we're still getting a Bearnaise sauce-cooking, do I look fat in these jeans Monroe Ficus character?Don't waste your time. There's nothing in this show that you haven't seen done, and done better, a hundred times before.