Count Duckula
Count Duckula
| 06 September 1988 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cortechba Overrated
    2hotFeature one of my absolute favorites!
    Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
    Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
    DragStrip "Count Duckula" is my all time favourite cartoon, and I believe it to be one of the very best too. I loved it as a very young kid but I doubt I could have appreciated just how special it actually is. Cosgrove Hall produced 65 episodes of consistent quality over a remarkably short period of time. The weakest episode of Duckula would be the highlight of many another TV series. The animation varies a little, it was obviously worked on by more than one company. At its best it was about as good as TV animation ever got. At its worst it was far above average. The backgrounds in particular are immaculate, with imagery that was often witty or spooky. But what makes this show truly special is the comedy. The show is frequently, hysterically, funny; even after multiple viewings. Not only that but the humour goes into territories often overlooked in cartoons, it is primarily verbal humour with frequent diversions into black and surreal comedy.If I have not described the show well enough it is mostly because I could never do it justice. Thankfully, we live in a world where all 65 episodes are available, at quite affordable prices too, on DVD. Even if you think you are too old for cartoons, you are not too old for "Count Duckula". Believe me!
    Atreyu_II 'Count Duckula' is a classic animated show with dark humor. It's an enjoyable, eccentric and original cartoon. It's one of those cartoons I grew up with during my infant days.This TV show has a dark atmosphere and takes place in a spooky castle where the main protagonists of this TV show live: the count Duckula, the butler Igor and the nanny (whose name is unknown) with an arm sling.However, there's nothing scary about this TV show. As a matter of fact, this is a funny and hilarious TV show, more humorous than dark.Count Duckula is a different kind of vampire: he doesn't like blood - instead, he is a vegetarian and he's often "chicken". He's also hyperactive and very talkative. Count Duckula is a great character and I can say the same about Igor and the nanny. Plus, as a kid I had a neighbor and friend named Igor and, even if it's just because of the name Igor, I can't help remembering this guy when I think of the butler Igor.This TV show has simple but nice designs and backgrounds, as well as a great dark atmosphere, classic humor, a good song at the opening credits and an ever better version of the same song in the final credits. The ending credits themselves are better than the opening ones, because they are funnier and stranger - we can see some eccentric and bizarre images during them, images that also makes one laugh. Plus, I always loved to see the Tames TV Productions ident which always appeared after the final credits. It shows a beautiful sight of London city and you can even see the city's reflex on the water, which only makes it more beautiful to watch.Good show. They don't make 'em like this any longer.
    DragonMasterHiro "Castle Duckula, home for many centuries to a dreadful dynasty of vicious vampire ducks - The Counts Of Duckula. Legend has it that these 'fowl' beings can be destroyed by a stake through the heart or exposure to sunlight. This does not suffice however, for they may be brought back to life by means of a secret rite that can be performed once a century, when the moon is in the Eighth House Of Aquarius... The latest reincarnation did not run according to plan...." *POSSIBLE SPOILERS* Thus began the creation of Count Duckula. Igor was doing the reincarnation but Nanny gave him ketchup instead of blood. Aside from goofy Count Duckula, you have Igor, his vulture butler who tries to push the Count into being a true blood sucking vampire duck and the maid, Nanny, who is a giant chicken with her arm in a sling but still bursts through walls either screaming "Oh Duckyboos!" or "I'll get it!". There was also a hunter after the count for a while and other times thieves would try to steal things from the castle.Count Duckula first appeared in the series DangerMouse in an episode called 'The Four Tasks of DangerMouse'. He later on got his own spin off series. Both shows were aired during the 80's on Nickelodeon. I liked DangerMouse too but I loved Count Duckula because they were all crazy. Nanny was always ruining Igor's plans, and they'd use their teleporting castle to visit all sorts of places. It also had that great closing theme with all the weird pictures, sound effects and it would end with that lighting bolt. A really fun show, I'll have to find it on DVD. "Goodnight out there.... whatever you are!"
    CocaCola18 So Danger Mouse comes to an end... What do you do?All agree that it was a good ride while it lasted?Make a living out of all those "I Love the 80's" programmes talking about itOr do you get up and make another classic cartoon!David Jason returned for more cartoon goodness, the bloke is a god! This time we watch the world of a Vampire Duck living with Igor and his Nanny... with the DUCKY-POOS line...GOLD! And who can forget the other characters Van Goosewing and those Cuckoo clock characters.... FANTASTIC