| 13 October 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
    Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
    Stephen T This concept has so much potential but it is squandered with uncharismatic leads with characters you barely care about. Despite the fantasy setting the bulk of the stories revolve around scams, the main character wanting to get home and the patheticness of the characters. The few interesting characters are an occasional side character who appears for an episode at most. Very skippable.
    Spike Neil After reading the reviews I decided to watch this. Oh dear!! It was either reviewed by the shows writers or by people who watch reality TV. Absolute crap. Infantile comedy for idiots is the only way that I can describe this load of poo.
    bubblet-29467 Came across this show because watching Dave one day. This is truly wonderful and deserves a real following. Paul Kaye and James Buckley are brilliant together. It's like a mix of Red Dwarf and Terry Pratchett. Paul Kaye is my favourite character so far playing the slightly useless but eccentric wizard Howell followed closely by Sharon Rooney's Soothsayer Barbara. I fell in at the first episode of the second series and immediately knew I had found something great. Went back and watch the first series. It's hilarious from the start. It's an easy going, well rounded comedy, following a wonderfully kooky fantasy story with 6 foot burly fairies and a plethora of other creatures. A definite must watch for a lazy night in.
    Charles Richardson I stumbled upon this on Dave after watching the latest series of Red Dwarf and I'm so glad I did as this is like watching a touch of sliders with a huge portion of Discworld. Expertly acted and excellent comedy delivery , I haven't found a single thing that needs improving. What really add to it is the varied range of actors such as James Buckley ( Inbetweeners ) Paul Kaye ( you may remember him as Dennis Pennis), Ricky Grover ( normally plays Gangsters. If you like Discworld you will love this and if you don't , well I still think you will love it. It has that quick firing gag delivery that used to be a big part of British comedy , extremely recommended