Hand of God
Hand of God
TV-MA | 28 August 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
    Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
    artieup-570-920707 Some viewers are straight out Baseless for their reasoning that this show wasn't Good and should be halted! If I am not wrong, The Average viewers gave this Series A well received 4 out of 5 Stars.. That can't be misleading to those who have their personal opinion about this show needing to be stopped at season 2.Well, Each to their own, but the ratings should determine how a show should move forward, and this show had very good public reviews. I guess some viewers can't handle certain realities of crooked Judges and certain race relations.. That's my opinion. Oh Well, I'll move on as life does... Twisted Plots but Entertaining Show.
    bluegattaca Every episode from this season I felt like I had to watch the next one to see what happens and they don't do it in a teasing you and not answering any questions kind of way. Ron Perlman is simply a fantastic actor and he does a great job here with his character. There's not much of a happy go lucky funny TV show going on here it's dealing with some serious issues of Pernell trying to save his son PJ by doing things that he believes god wants him to do and wondering if it's really god or if he is delusional. Pernell is a judge that has a lot of influence and others are trying to use that influence to get things done but while he is on this quest he becomes hard to control because that is his main focus is on saving his son and everyone trying to control him while he tries to solve mysteries about his son and they are trying to get what they need done and the two conflict. Im really not sure what they are going to do in season 2 but hopefully they can come up with something interesting. If anything Ron Perlman I'm sure will give a fantastic performance.
    Hunteress007 Let me start by saying I have been a hugggge fan of Ron Perlman ever since Quest For Fire and even back then there was something about him that had me superglued to the TV Screen. I was captured by his every movement and the way his eyes would have every raw deep emotion up on display. And it also helped he was very easy on the eyes too. Annnd still very much easy on the eyes to this day. (He makes 65 very sexy)Hand of God as a whole was one of those shows that sticks with you long after the last episode. I loved that show so much I had watched twice and plan on watching it many many many times. The realness and the rawness, the passion of Ron Perlman had actually made me cry and made me feel his pain and how he was drowning in the sea of darkness that never seemed to let up but never loose hope people because there is always a light. I love the chemistry he had with Dana Dalaney, another favorite actor that I have loved ever since Exit To Eden and Body of Proof. Here is a woman that was trying within her power to be a pillar of strength to Pernell despite her own pain. There were times they clashed but there were moments of a deep love and tenderness that really touched me deeply I love the Fire and Ice of Pernell and Tessie, talk about Hotttttt and Cold but you can sense a deep closeness there. All in all the show needs and should have a Second Season, because it left us fans with a cliff hannnger and unanswered questions, which I hope will be answered.Amazon, the ball is in your court and I hope that Hand of God continues. To everyone involved in the show, WAY TO GO!!!! AND I LOVED HAND OF GOD!!
    niko9015 Just finished episode 10. Whoa, what a ride. I honestly don't understand why this show hasn't reaped a higher rating already. Maybe the subject and themes are too tacky for American audience, I dunno. And yes I must agree the prize for most uncomfortable scenes in a drama goes to "Hand of God". I mean all through the 10 episodes there are some pretty "wtf" moments. Without spoiling anything in particular, right off the premise set in the pilot it becomes clear we're due for a cavalcade of a cringe worthy moments. The season starts with a stout, buck naked man bathing himself in a public fountain while reciting holy verses and what not. This scene alone is a good indication of what is to be expected from the show. There are a lot of subplot lines set through the main story involving the secondary characters, and most of them do pack an emotional punch towards the end. The season finale itself is a strong one. There is the right amount of satisfaction, plot twist and cliffhanger in there worthy of continuation of the series in a second season. I'm all up for that. Make it happened, Amazon.
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