TV-14 | 21 March 2018 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    subhdeep-07439 Good TV series. DC once again done it. They managed to create another interesting TV series. Watch it, it's entertaining
    scottzanarky I am not the type of person who watches every single superhero movie and TV offering. I don't really follow comics either. However, I was a huge fan of Smallville and I have also watched the current Greg Berlanti shows, (Arrow, Flash, Legends, Supergirl, Black Lightning). I can say that my original fear of Krypton was that it was going to be similar to the Berlanti offerings with their nauseating lack of subtext, their "baddie of the week" formula, and the way they shove social justice down your throat.Krypton is different. This isn't some 22-episode season of filler. The 10-episode format means that we get a coherent story without the extra baggage. Little time is wasted aligning the characters to drive the story forward. I am a fan of efficiency and Krypton is certainly that.I also found that the acting was a step up from other superhero TV show offerings. The Berlanti shows certainly run the gamut between stunning acting performances and cringy garbage, and Smallville had their off-days. I was pleasantly surprised with all of the acting performances in Krypton. There are many actors whom I have never seen before and they do great justice to their characters, while more prominent actors also do a great job of separating themselves from their previous performances.Krypton's Brainiac is also a far cry from previous offerings. He's actually scary, intense, and overall believable as an opposing force. The whole tone of the show is much darker and more gritty, and his presence is a large contributing factor.I guess there are two types of superhero TV show fans; the ones who want a blend of serious and comedy where they get to see their favourite heroes using their powers, and ones that are looking for something to break the mold. Frankly, I am pleasantly surprised that we have a show like Krypton where we get a detailed glimpse into life on Krypton before Superman without getting bogged down in superpowers and flashy costumes.It's not for everyone given the many 1-star reviews here on IMDB, but if you recently watched shows like Legends of Tomorrow or The Flash and thought to yourself, "there has to be something better than a giant Furby killing a demon", then I recommend giving Krypton a try.I enjoyed it from start to finish and look forward to seeing what Season 2 can bring.
    matthewdocmeyer Much of what I've watched just doesn't add up. Can nobody agree on what Krypton looks like? The clothes and scenery changes from show to show and movie to movie. This series looks nothing like any show made. Why must there be a different look each and every time. The "rankless " look so repressed and dirty but everyone on the show speak with the most poshest of English accents. I have a really hard time believing someone is oppressed when they speak so well. The writing has me thinking they are making each episode without any vision of where they are trying to go with the story. I'm watching and hoping it gets a lot better or it's not going to make it, and that's sad because I think these actors have potential.
    WYAdams This show strays so far from the original comic book story that it is not even recognizable.1) The S on Superman's uniform was the idea of Ma Kent to symbolize Superman, it was not an ancient Kryptonian symbol. The house of El had a Sun as it's symbol. Drawings of Jor-El, Superman's father show a sun emblazoned on chest of his clothes.2) The Fortress of Solitude was Superman's creation on Earth as a place to get away from everything so he could unwind. That is why it was called the Fortress of SOLITUDE! It was not something that his grandfather built on Krypton.3) Kandor was taken by Brainiac just before Krypton exploded, it's removal did not cause Krypton to explode.In addition the writers have once again interjected their left wing politics into the story as they preach their radical revisionist propaganda.1) The Zod family has miraculously become black.2) A five foot nothing, 120 pound woman overpowers and nearly kills a 6 foot 4-1/2 inch 200+ pound man.3) We get the usual sermonizing about the evil military savaging the poor innocent population of the city.A terrible show that could have been great, except that todays writers are incapable of writing decent shows.