TV-14 | 13 October 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Chatverock Takes itself way too seriously
    Memorergi good film but with many flaws
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
    kenthembree-588-769152 At 13:00, the narrator claims the the phrase "saved by the bell" is attributed to a coffin gimmick of the time. It widely known as a reference to a losing boxer not being counted out because the end of the round came before the referee's decision. That is enough said, but I have to keep typing to meet the minimum character requirement.
    Syo Kennex Lore is a show I saw on Amazon, and fell in love with the moment I saw the cover art. It promised to look spooky, and to give me a little bit of a thrill. I immediately settled down with some popcorn and binged through the six episodes straight away. I wasn't disappointed at all.Lore is a show that brings together the past, with recent teachings, to bring us a small scare fest of a television show. Unknowing of what this show was about at all, I was hesitant to watch, not sure what the first episode would bring. I somewhat nervous, but when it began with a horrible story of a woman buried alive in her coffin, I was hooked almost immediately. The first thing I want to say is the re-enactments in the show were horrible. They felt very rough acted, and although the actors did well, they felt quite cringey. Although childlike, I feel like the drawn animations at the start of the first episode would have done a little better throughout the episodes rather than brash re- enactments. It felt like prime time television on the crime channels, and that wasn't what I wanted from something this… spooky.Other than this, everything else was absolutely amazing. I found Lore to be a wonderful learning experience, that gave me information that although not really valuable in the field of marine biology, might help me win a pub quiz or two. Learning things of any kind is one of my favourite things, so this was absolutely wonderful for me. I felt creeped out quite a bit, as I said, the actors did really well.I'm hoping there will be more than just the six episodes released in late 2017. This is wonderful and I would adore to see more from this.
    amyoung-15596 I love everything Lore related. Heck I got a Prime subscription just to watch this show. Aaron is a master storyteller weaving tales with only bits in common into a thread of stories that entrance and educate. He takes the gruesome truths of reality and the mystical aspects of folklore and now adds fun and compelling audio/visual. While I can somewhat understand the reviews that call the TV show jumbled and half-finished, I argue that the entire feel of Lore has an open ended, incomplete aesthetic. There is no nicely tied up endings to the stories of Lore, that's what keeps us coming back. And to be fair, what were you expecting visually from the TV show. If it were solely live action reenactments it would feel slightly campy like Paranormal Witness, A Haunting, etc, and if it were only creepy cartoons, it would not hold the same emotional feel that we Lore listeners are desperately craving by having the stories played out in front of us. I think mixing the mediums is a great way to incorporate both the intense emotion of reenactments and the fun playful personality of Aaron. I applaud everyone involved for a truly unique and spooky experience. I will have to keep my Prime subscription if more Lore TV is made.
    aduvall-200-975821 Well done! Huge fan of the podcast. Very impressed with the actors and production of this Amazon show. Great job Aaron! The animations are well done and the stories are told in such a way that you feel part of them. Looking forward to season 2 as I finished it off in 2 nights. Sometimes I miss the days of waiting a week for the next episode.